Featured Antique Pearlware Shaving Mug - Odd Shape?

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by ValerieK, Jan 18, 2025.

  1. ValerieK

    ValerieK Well-Known Member

    I am hoping to find out more about this unusual shaving mug, because there don't seem to be any quite this shape online. I have seen many photos of some with the holder for the brush on the outside, but not inside like this. The blue and white print looks like it dates from about 1800 – 1830, and I am searching through my books for the manufacturer, but in the meantime I hope you can help me with a few things. What was the purpose of the divisions? It looks like the circular hole, which is open to the area underneath the divisions, could have been used to somehow rinse the brush, or maybe the razor, if it could be manoeuvred down into some water underneath, but it seems rather awkward. The print wasn't made specially for the mug, it is just three identical pieces roughly joined together, so maybe this design was not successful and not worth having its own print.

    Any information welcome!

    The diameter is about 5.2ins, 13cm, and the height is about 3.1ins, 9cms. barber - 1 (1).jpeg barber top - 1.jpeg barber - 4 (1).jpeg barber - 6 (1).jpeg
    Marote, kentworld, kyratango and 2 others like this.
  2. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    It looks as if it were originally lidded.

    Marote, kyratango and wlwhittier like this.
  3. ValerieK

    ValerieK Well-Known Member

    Thanks, yes, I think it probably was, given the shape of the rim. Probably just neatness, and maybe it kept the flies from exploring any suds left behind!
    Marote and kyratango like this.
  4. jingyel

    jingyel Well-Known Member

    Valuable if hand painted, but I saw a hairline
  5. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    I suspect the hole allows for hot water to be poured in. Check out "scuttle mug."

    kyratango and wlwhittier like this.
  6. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    Blue and white willow/temple type patterns can be a bit of a challenge to ID. Does yours have any marks? (not exactly what you're asking I know)

    I find the checkered temple very sweet and google brought me to a marked Davenport plate with a very similar temple. I don't know if it's your maker but thought it might be a avenue to explore. I haven't tried checking any of my books yet.



    Last edited: Jan 19, 2025
    kentworld and kyratango like this.
  7. ValerieK

    ValerieK Well-Known Member

    Thank you, that's a term I have never come across, and just the kind of thing I was looking for to help find other posts. (The folk on this forum are always so helpfull!!) Just had a quick look and straight away there is a video on youtube showing how to use a scuttle mug, which I will study closely! It shows a collection of shaving mugs, most with the protruberance at the side and none with the round hole to the area beneath, so the design of mine must not have caught on.
  8. ValerieK

    ValerieK Well-Known Member

    Many thanks, I think you've got it in one! I had tried Google lens which did not return any useful result, but I also thought the checkered temple the key to look for, before then checking on the other details. The other details do seem to fit, like the butterfly border, the simple upturned roofline of the temple/pagoda, the island in the distance... I will have a good look at it, but I really think that you've saved me many hours of frustration. Thank you, thank you! The search for another example goes on, and the date, given that they produced similar transfer ware for many years.
    kentworld likes this.
  9. ValerieK

    ValerieK Well-Known Member

    Definitely transfer-printed, I'm afraid, but hopefully a rare enough shape to have some value to collectors of blue and white and also those of barber tools. I will see what happens when I put it online. The hairline on the dividing piece only shows on one side, and not very significant, I think, given the rarity.
    Marote and kentworld like this.
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