Balinese/Asian coin art?

Discussion in 'Art' started by TommyYoung, Oct 25, 2018.

  1. TommyYoung

    TommyYoung New Member

    OK, third and last object I'm really curious about: Bought it for like €100 just because I really liked it but to be honest I know nothing about it! Yesterday a friend told me it's called Balinese coin art (that makes sense) but I would love to know a little more!

    So could someone tell me about this? Where/when/of what is this thing made? Was the €100 worth it or is it just rubbish from a tourist shop? Thank you very much!
  2. Barn Owl

    Barn Owl Well-Known Member

    i need help and komokwa like this.
  3. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    It is the Balinese rice Goddess Dewi Sri, made of kepeng. Kepeng are antique Chinese cash coins which are still used as currency is some areas of Indonesia.
    These Dewi Sri's are the specialty of one village on Bali. I forgot which, but have it in my files somewhere.

    Ruby Lane is pricey, and that one was very unusual. Yours is very nice, but an average example from the late 20th century. Nothing wrong with that, but you did pay too much imo. Tommy, I think you are in the Netherlands, where the usual price would be ca €40. You can sell them internationally for €95-100.
    Maybe if you hang on to it for a while?
    Figtree3, i need help and komokwa like this.
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