Featured Bath Cabinet Makers (BCM) Writing Bureau Restoration Thread

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by CGB_Spender, Mar 26, 2017.

  1. CGB_Spender

    CGB_Spender Member

    Hello Again,

    I like Sundays...Sunday is market day and I always come home with something. Today I picked up this old writing bureau which has certainly seen better days. It has the Bath Cabinet Makers (From England) makers mark on it. They operated from 1895 to 1959, and I would guess from the style of this it would be 1930's or 1940's. I usually restore console radio cabinets and am now branching out into other areas and am having fun doing so. I thought I would post some pictures and update this thread with some progress pictures as I go. I always prefer to keep the original finish on anything I purchase and avoid sanding and stripping whenever I can, but I think this bureau is pretty far gone...and for $20AUD ($15USD) I really have nothing to loose.

    If anyone wants to chime in with some info on its style or period, it is most welcome...otherwise I just hope you enjoy the thread and the pictures.

    7.jpg 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 5.jpg 8.jpg 9.jpg

    Thanks for taking a look.

    Enjoy the coming week and take care from Australia!

    Christmasjoy, cxgirl and afantiques like this.
  2. CGB_Spender

    CGB_Spender Member

    Just a couple of pictures of the drawer construction too, for those who are interested.

    IMG_1606.JPG IMG_1607.JPG
    Christmasjoy and cxgirl like this.
  3. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    I am thinking more 20s-30s. Those bakelite pulls are pure deco but the rest, not so much. I would be tempted to sell them off separately and replace them with period drop pulls, even if they are original to the piece. Sometimes, makers attempted to modernize their lines by changing hardware. It was not always successful. I don't know. Perhaps, they aren't original?

    Here is an English oak secretary from about the same time period that has original pulls such as I am recommending.

  4. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    What a great piece Jason, can't wait to see what you do with it:)
    CGB_Spender and Christmasjoy like this.
  5. CGB_Spender

    CGB_Spender Member

    Thanks for your input and advice Brad. I think you are right, the overall look would benefit from a change in the handle style as you suggested. I think I will do exactly that. Thank-you very much.
  6. CGB_Spender

    CGB_Spender Member

    Thank-you CX, I am glad you like it. If I see a piece like this in need of repair and the price is right, I can't let it go :p I enjoy bringing them back to life so maybe the can be around another 100 years. It is a shame if they end up as firewood.

    I will have more pictures to post very soon.

    Take care from Australia!
    cxgirl likes this.
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