Featured Carnival Glass Vase sells for $250k

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by laura9797, Feb 2, 2025.

  1. laura9797

    laura9797 Well-Known Member

  2. NewEngland

    NewEngland Well-Known Member

    Imagine if someone had purchased it for $25 at their shop. That was their lucky day!
    bercrystal, Lucille.b, Boland and 4 others like this.
  3. laura9797

    laura9797 Well-Known Member

    I envisioned myself doing just that :D
    Aquitaine, bercrystal, Boland and 3 others like this.
  4. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    Fascinating. I got curious and googled further, since I thought most carnival glass wasn't too valuable any more!

    Here is a video of it, but I *think* you need a Facebook account to view.


    It's beautiful in a way, but I can honestly say I would have passed on it if I'd seen it, thinking "Meh, carnival glass." Amazing that someone came into the second hand shop and alerted them (and didn't just buy it!)

    Nice that it wound up in a museum.
    laura9797, bercrystal, Marote and 3 others like this.
  5. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    Click on the facebook link....CLOSE THE pop-up opening screen, and then you can at least SEE it.....no audio........
  6. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    I am astonished ! Once again I thought I knew more than I did and got rid of scads of carnival glass !
  7. kentworld

    kentworld Well-Known Member

  8. ola402

    ola402 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the instructions! I looked at the video and the vase is fantastic! You can listen to the audio if you click on the little x next to the speaker icon on the right side.
    laura9797, bercrystal and Lucille.b like this.
  9. ola402

    ola402 Well-Known Member

    I followed the links from the above referenced video to discover that the Millersburg Glass Museum is located in the basement of the Victorian Museum. The entrance fee for the glass is a whopping $5!!! I don't even know how the guy can break even at that price. Now he will have to add that vase to his insurance and worry every night before he goes to bed about whether the vase will still be there by morning.

    Carnival glass is like every other collectible glass, where the really good stuff still brings in the dollars. Millersburg Glass is stunning (IMHO). If you've never seen it, then go to the museum. It is wonderfully well made and has crystal clear clarity. I love it.
  10. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    From the first link:

    "It began with a phone call from just outside Gettysburg, Pa. A couple purchased the contents of a hoarder house to help clean it out. They own a secondhand store nearby and wanted to see what treasures they might find. They packed up the items they wanted to resell and discarded the rest. The selected boxes were then stored in their garage until they could sort and price them for their shop."

    I wonder what they threw out since they figured this was just worth $25?

    If you read to the end, it sold for $275K with buyer's premium. Speechless.
    komokwa, laura9797, Aquitaine and 3 others like this.
  11. Boland

    Boland Well-Known Member

    Wow,what an amazing story!
    laura9797 likes this.
  12. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    Thanks....I did NOT see that about the speaker!!!!
  13. laura9797

    laura9797 Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the video! Breathtaking piece.
  14. lvetterli

    lvetterli Well-Known Member

    I pick up a few carnival glass pieces here and there for resale. This thing is just gorgeous! What an enormous discovery!

  15. ola402

    ola402 Well-Known Member

    That's exactly what I said to DH last night! What did they throw away in complete ignorance?? My imagination is running amok.

    Well, hardly anyone does see it. It's wee teeny. But I've tripped over it several times before and finally figured it out.
    Aquitaine and Lucille.b like this.
  16. ola402

    ola402 Well-Known Member

    FYI, I checked this vase pattern on Doty's web site. Apparently, this same man purchased a blue carnival People's Vase in 2018 for the museum. that example without the ruffled top and costlng $155,000. So the museum has almost a half mill. invested in just the two vases. Wow.
  17. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

  18. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    That was the most interesting thing I've watched in a while. And still speechless at the sold price.

    I guess the vase was really rare... not like it is such extreme several hundred thousand dollars technical quality or anything, right? Nice enough, but just a molded piece. A bit of the holy grail for carnival glass, but still! More than one person had to bid.

    If you check the video out, be sure to watch the last part with the auctioneer. I could barely understand a word he said, except for the dollar amounts.

    Still blown away by the final value realized.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2025
    ola402, bercrystal and moreotherstuff like this.
  19. Satin In A Coffin

    Satin In A Coffin Well-Known Member

    So is the value mainly in the maker's name? The deep color? The subject matter? Or all of the above? I am a novice when it comes to glass. Can anyone enlighten me as to what to look out for? Like what makes a piece of Carnival glass spectacular versus run of the mill? This one seems to be a design where very few were made, but there must be other factors.
    bercrystal likes this.
  20. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    very few were made,....
    that's a mouthful , right there !!!!;)
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