Found antique rocking chair

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by Zach_955, Jun 29, 2019.

  1. Zach_955

    Zach_955 Member

  2. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    Pressback American Oak.
    Early 1900s.

    You can get replacement leatherette seats from woodworking catalogs.

    Someone may have a link.
    Zach_955 likes this.
  3. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Some replacement seats for antique chairs on ebay.
    Zach_955 likes this.
  4. AmericanGeode

    AmericanGeode Well-Known Member

    Would you consider replacing the seat with a very contemporary pattern and fabric? Would look very cool and artistic to find an antique rocking chair with a seat covered in Versace pattern.
    Zach_955 likes this.
  5. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    If doing for yourself. If doing for resale, would stick with a traditional seat.
    Zach_955, Paacheeky and Fid like this.
  6. Zach_955

    Zach_955 Member

    Hi everyone, sorry late reply i kept forgetting to come back. Yeah the sole purpose of me acquiring this chair was to re sell it to someone thats looking to fix it up. but i do think it should be done with a traditional seat original to the chair.

    that is really neat so its a "Pressback American Oak. Early 1900s." that soooo cool!!!! so i am having trouble trying to find a replacement seat that you guys are talking about, can someone link me to one? this seat cover did come with it, i think someone was going to fix it up and gave up lol 64956025_820147211703734_1665841059034300416_n.jpg 65092952_820150821703373_3551430262887809024_n.jpg
  7. SBSVC

    SBSVC Well-Known Member

  8. Zach_955

    Zach_955 Member

    oh yeah, i see, yeah i dont see myself fixing it up, i hope someone buys it, its on fb rn.
  9. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

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