Kittinger Dressers - would like advice on valuation

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by Yardley19, Jan 25, 2025.

  1. Yardley19

    Yardley19 New Member

    Hello - I have a set of Kittinger Dressers which were purchased by my grandparents around the 1930's or 40's. There are superficial signs of wear, and they are in good shape functionally. I was wondering if someone can give me an approximate "ball park" for what they would sell for if I were to advertise privately. Thanks in advance.

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  2. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Really depends on where you are. Kittinger is top line furniture but not everyone recognizes it. In my semi-rural Midwest location, the buyers don't and there is little to no premium for it over other used furniture. Maybe $300 maximum each piece here and probably less. In or near a large city, you should do better.
    wlwhittier, pearlsnblume and Sedona like this.
  3. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Might add that this is an unpopular style these days. Probably a hard sell most places. Again, in or near a large city will have more interest. Also, the South seems to have more formal furniture buyers.
    wlwhittier, pearlsnblume and Sedona like this.
  4. Yardley19

    Yardley19 New Member

    @verybrad - Thank you for that information ... I'm in the surrounding area of Philadelphia (major city, not the south). Considering this area, wondering what range would you price it? Or is there a data source that you can point me to? Appreciate your advice.
  5. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    You might look on ebay for sold similar pieces in the East coastal area. I didn't see much for Kittinger but there was some for Baker, which is a similar high-end maker. I see a lot of asking prices but little in the way that has sold. Prices are high on ebay, with dealers fishing for high end buyers who want instant gratification. Consequently, I would take asking prices with a grain of salt. That said, you might try somewhere north of the $1000.00 range each piece to see if you get any interest. You can always consider offers and/or lower your price at some point.

    This recently sold out of New Jersey. I don't know if they got full price or not.
    Vintage Baker Furniture 7-Drawer Mahogany Dresser | eBay
    Yardley19 likes this.
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