Featured Nice Costume Necklace Can't Read Markings

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by alynnfin, Jan 4, 2024.

  1. alynnfin

    alynnfin Well-Known Member

    This necklace, although broken, is nice. I cannot read the depressed mark on one side of the back which pretty sure would be the marker's mark. The other side is probably the model number. I just would like to know the maker if anyone knows this piece or can recognize a name from the last 3/4 letters which I think are ker, sker, sher or her.. Thank you. IMG_7585__1704398793_42727.jpg IMG_7586__1704398769_88746.jpg IMG_7588__1704398728_50859.jpg IMG_7591__1704398656_55838.jpg IMG_7589__1704398705_46552.jpg
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2024
    Joan, wenna, stracci and 2 others like this.
  2. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    You might check Ciner.
    stracci, Houseful and Bronwen like this.
  3. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    I was going to say the same thing. They only closed down a few years ago. Sometimes they didn't mark their pieces at all and you just had to Know.
    stracci likes this.
  4. Aznathalie

    Aznathalie Well-Known Member

    Joan and Lucille.b like this.
  5. alynnfin

    alynnfin Well-Known Member

    Thank you both. After seeing your comments, I looked up Ciner jewelry and markings, and think it is the quality of Ciner pieces. In looking at the poorly stamped impression, I see a line on the top of the letter that would be an I if it is Ciner; whereas the Ciner marks I looked at did not have one--l vs I. Do you know of a jewelry company that possibly ends in ..sker or ..sher or maybe even ...gher or ...gker? At least that is what I think I see.
  6. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    I think that’s Lisner.
    wenna and stracci like this.
  7. Lizzie

    Lizzie All you need is love ...and a dog.

    I agree with Ownedbybear, I was going to suggest Lisner as well.
    stracci likes this.
  8. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    My vote is also Boucher.

    This looks too heavy and well made for Lisner.

    Also Boucher pieces sometimes have numbers on the back like this one.
    Joan likes this.
  9. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    Aha. Now you’ve said that, cher looks a better fit, doesn’t it.
    Joan likes this.
  10. alynnfin

    alynnfin Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the information. Yes it is that quality; however, I cannot find any Boucher marks without a rectangle around it. That is important, isn't it? I did see some Boucher pieces with the same color purple and green rhinestones, although not this necklace. Thinking there probably was a time period when those were really popular colors.
    Joan likes this.
  11. Joan

    Joan Well-Known Member

    I also think "CHER" is Boucher [Marcel] because of the colors and cut of the glass stones, the style of clasp, and the number. It's very pretty. I wonder if two links similar to the missing one could be salvaged from a broken or less desirable necklace, although that type of metal tends to crack if you try to unbend and re-bend it. The missing teeny pink rhinestones might be difficult to replace also, but it's definitely a quality piece.
  12. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    If it were a Boucher I'd expect better markings. THeirs were generally totally legible, especially on pieces from this era. You had a tussle on your hands with some of the old ones. Doesn't smell like Boucher to me.
  13. alynnfin

    alynnfin Well-Known Member

    Thank you all. I did find the Boucher mark without the rectangle around it in the 1950's. Linking that with the fact, I did find have the exact color rhinestones on some of their jewelry, I agree with those who think it is Boucher. I looked through a the list of vintage costume jewelry makers and saw no others that fit its mark. Not that it is in good condition.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2024
    Joan likes this.
  14. Aznathalie

    Aznathalie Well-Known Member

    Example. Screenshot_20240106-001011~2.png Screenshot_20240106-001658~3.png
    Joan likes this.
  15. Joan

    Joan Well-Known Member

  16. alynnfin

    alynnfin Well-Known Member

    Great! Thank you! I really do not know what I will do with it since a vital link is broken but I wanted to know. Places do not fix these do they?
  17. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    It looks like it's missing a piece rather than actually broken. Then again with pot metal it might be a lost cause.
  18. alynnfin

    alynnfin Well-Known Member

    Yes, missing a piece. That is what I am afraid of, but I thought I could sell it for parts as the rhinestones in the exact size or the end pieces might be needed...pretty cheap. I listed it for $19.99 and someone from Japan just offered $150. Away it goes! Thank you all.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2024
  19. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    That's interesting and unusual.....

    most folks that come here with a similar situation..... pull the item...thinking it must be worth 10x more and that Japanese buyer is trying to swindle them out of all the money they deserve !!!

    You on the other hand , get a stunning offer , and are more than pleased to make an unexpected profit !!

    I laud your sense of fair play & lack of greed !!!

    Nice sale !!!:woot::woot::kiss:
    kyratango and Dessert58 like this.
  20. alynnfin

    alynnfin Well-Known Member

    I'm thrilled!! Jumping up and down, well almost. It is a stunning necklace, but unwearable. And I actually got $180 because I found I had 5 watchers in maybe 20 minutes or less. Thank you! Oh happy day....
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