Vintage/Antique Greenwood China Water Pitcher & Painted Creamer Depicting Ladies in Red

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by ct0116, Mar 11, 2022.

  1. ct0116

    ct0116 Member

    Hi, my mom recently got these two pitchers in an auction recently and doesn't know what they are or what they're worth. The larger of the two is stamped Greenwood China Trenton, N.J. on the bottom, and I believe it is an ironstone water pitcher. The other is a painted creamer or pitcher with painted ladies. Its prominent crackled pattern leads me to believe that it's an antique, but the hair and outfits seem more 1940s~'50s. She wants to sell them, but wants to know a bit more about them and how to price them.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated! IMG_6098-min(1).JPG IMG_6102-min(1).JPG IMG_6104-min(1).JPG IMG_6103-min.JPG IMG_6099-min.JPG IMG_6100-min.JPG IMG_6101-min.JPG
  2. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    In Lehner's book of marks she discusses various Greenwood China marks. It would seem the company was formed in 1868 and was in business until the 1930s. It would seem that your mark was an early one but when they stopped using it isn't said. This ad from 1913 show one of their new Trade Marks and show yours as their Old Trade Mark. Values are best known when similar pieces sold recently can be found. Here are a few though not necessarily recent below.

    The other jug I don't specifically know but I think it may be a fairly modern copy of an earlier style. For example, the thin wall with folded over rim often appear on more recent pieces.

    From 1913


    Red went unsold at $50 in 2004

    Plain white sold 2020 for $10
    Potteryplease, bluumz and judy like this.
  3. janetpjohn

    janetpjohn Well-Known Member

    There's a white one like yours with the dancers listed on ebay, stamped Rouse Parian.
    say_it_slowly likes this.
  4. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    Potteryplease likes this.
  5. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    they are worth what she paid 4 them.....until someone pays more..
    BoudiccaJones likes this.
  6. ct0116

    ct0116 Member

    Oh that's neat. So then it's very likely that it's an antique and from before 1913. The auction as a whole had a pretty reasonable amount items from around the 1930s and a fair amount from before the 1930s, so the pitcher being in this age range would make sense assuming everything sold was passed down through the generations (it was an estate auction).

    Thank you for all the info and the links.
    say_it_slowly likes this.
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