Featured What sort of scale is this??

Discussion in 'Tools' started by Malcolm, Mar 24, 2020.

  1. Malcolm

    Malcolm Active Member

    I found this a couple of years ago in an old barn. What is it used for and is there anything missing?? I think it's screwed to a wall/beam, but how do you weigh on it.

    DSC01674.JPG DSC01675.JPG
  2. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Think you would have hung a basket of one of the named products on the hook to get standard weight for each.

    Afterthought: Although it does mount on a wall & I can see there is a space issue if a bushel or peck basket were used. Maybe missing a container with a flat side.
  3. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

  4. Malcolm

    Malcolm Active Member

    Thank you Bronwen, I think you are right. :happy::happy::happy:
    scoutshouse and ulilwitch like this.
  5. Kronos

    Kronos Well-Known Member

    What 'i need help' linked is correct. A part off a seed drill. Nothing to do with a scale.
    Fid, Figtree3, scoutshouse and 3 others like this.
  6. Malcolm

    Malcolm Active Member

    Thanks Kronos, I'm no farmer so, how would it afix to a seed drill and how would it be used??
    scoutshouse and ulilwitch like this.
  7. ulilwitch

    ulilwitch Well-Known Member

    We have one in the barn. It is definitely a part of a seed planter. I did think it had something to do with measurement of seed to be planted. I could be wrong.
    scoutshouse likes this.
  8. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    The owner of that piece concludes:

    Can anyone provide information on this gauge such as:
    How old is it?
    How did it work?
    What company created it?
    Where was it made?
    Are there any websites that I could refer to?

    One INH found has that wing nut that looks like the vane of the indicator arm (I'm sure there's a better name for it) can be set to the desired position & screwed down to hold it there. Malcolm's gadget has no such feature, while it does have a hook, missing from the second one.

    @Malcolm is there any kind of spring in yours? Or does the arm just slide along?
    scoutshouse and Michael77 like this.
  9. Malcolm

    Malcolm Active Member

    I can't see a hole where a spring would hook into.
    scoutshouse and Bronwen like this.
  10. Malcolm

    Malcolm Active Member

    Hi ulilwitch, would you be so nice as to take a photograph and post it to my listing??
    scoutshouse and Bronwen like this.
  11. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Not a scale then. As already proposed, meant to regulate something.
    scoutshouse likes this.
  12. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    On the left side is that a Brand or model, I can’t read it?
    scoutshouse, Malcolm and Bronwen like this.
  13. ulilwitch

    ulilwitch Well-Known Member

    Sure, When it warms up here I will go up to the barn or ask my husband to do so.
  14. Kronos

    Kronos Well-Known Member

  15. Malcolm

    Malcolm Active Member

    Thank you ulilwitch.:happy::happy:
    scoutshouse likes this.
  16. Malcolm

    Malcolm Active Member

    It's a number D1139. I've already put the number into google and got nothing.
    scoutshouse likes this.
  17. Malcolm

    Malcolm Active Member

    Thank you Kronos, I will now research the 1907 Cockshutt #1 seed drill. :happy::happy::happy::happy:
    scoutshouse likes this.
  18. ulilwitch

    ulilwitch Well-Known Member

    Hello again Malcolm. My husband says if you look at the attached you will see your part top center.
    Fid, Figtree3, scoutshouse and 5 others like this.
  19. Malcolm

    Malcolm Active Member

    Oh Wow! Thank you so much for showing me how it fits to the seed drill.:happy::happy::happy::happy::happy: Just one quick question?? What does the hook attach too?
    scoutshouse and Bronwen like this.
  20. ulilwitch

    ulilwitch Well-Known Member

    I am not sure. Since this item you have measures all seed coming out of the hopper it probably attaches to that top bar to move all openings above the distribution tubes.
    scoutshouse, Bronwen and Malcolm like this.
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