Chinese Miniature Vase

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by RachelW, Jul 12, 2020.

  1. RachelW

    RachelW Well-Known Member

    Possibly my favorite find of the day, an older gentleman had a large assortment of antique pottery and glass and this was among them. I spent 10 or 15 minutes with him and he told me about where and how different pieces were made. This he didn't know much about, he said it was Chinese or Japanese and that it was very old. I'd like to think he's right but I'm wary that its not an import piece.

    I'm leaning towards Chinese origin, it seems to be the same man in both paintings. On either side there is what looks to be a human figure, painted sparingly. There are indents all the way around the top to match the paint. Unmarked. Approx. 13 cm tall, 7 cm wide, and 6/6.5 cm across.

    Question regarding its age: Isn't guilding like what is on the men pictured a more modern technique or have the Chinese been using this for ages?

    Thank you!





    kyratango and Aquitaine like this.
  2. blooey

    blooey Well-Known Member

  3. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    The decoration is more like a subset of Satsuma ware (Japanese, not Chinese.) Where do you see "gilding?"
    Any Jewelry and i need help like this.
  4. RachelW

    RachelW Well-Known Member

    How interesting its Japanese, my sister and I both agreed the clothing he is wearing looked Chinese lol.


    I'm not sure gilding is the right word, but it was the one that first came to mind. Its on both sides, and the other colors don't have it.​
    kyratango and i need help like this.
  5. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Ah. The only other picture that showed that section made the accent lines look black. But that's still a Japanese feature.
  6. RachelW

    RachelW Well-Known Member

    Okay thank you! Yeah that photo didn't show it at ALL :eek:

    Is he anyone in particular or is he Generic Japanese Man #4?
  7. blooey

    blooey Well-Known Member

    It is a very reduced and rather sloppy version of a samurai warrior usually shown on these wares. No offence intended btw, but these wares are the last of their type and mass produced in enormous quantities and quite degenerate in quality.
  8. RachelW

    RachelW Well-Known Member

    Agh how frustrating lol! I seem to always find things that are mass produced. I suppose thats what happens when you're just starting out though, especially in oriental art. I was quite happy that I recognised some other things though! A vase I knew the maker by looking at it, and a blue 30s/40s necklace that unfortunately was a replica upon further inspection. Still I love the vase and if its 1920s latest that makes at least 100 years old. Ill take it! :woot:

    Thank you for all your info!
    kyratango likes this.
  9. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Things that were inexpensively made & designed not to last have a way of becoming collectible if they last long enough. If lots of these were made, but lots got broken or were chucked out, the survivors may have taken on value, in the right market. If people collect matchbooks & bottle caps...
    kyratango likes this.
  10. RachelW

    RachelW Well-Known Member

    You're quite right @Bronwen! I had the same thought myself. To be fair I've been going to car boot sales and antique/thrift/charity stores my entire life (which has been short admittedly) and I've never seen one like it, so perhaps there's some hope for a nice profit someday.

    Honestly though I think it may have to join my Alpho pitcher and stay with me for a while. Most of my purchases I make with flipping them in mind, but this not so much, its growing on me too quickly to sell it right now. :rolleyes:
    kyratango and Bronwen like this.
  11. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    My guiding principles as a collector are: does it make me smile?; is it small enough to find a place?; and, sometimes, can I afford it? Think this qualifies on all three.
    Lucille.b, RachelW and kyratango like this.
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