Featured N.H.L. Silver Plate - Toronto Maple Leafs J.P. Bickell

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by JTR, Sep 26, 2020.

  1. JTR

    JTR Member

    20200926_024608.jpg 20200926_024502.jpg 20200926_024625.jpg Hello, I found this plate a while back and purchased it because it looks official and J.P Bickell appears to be a pretty big deal in the hockey world as he owned the Maple Leafs back in the day.

    I feel it will be very hard to find out when this was made or who presented it to him but if you have any knowledge that I do not as to finding info on this plate, please let me know.

    Thanks for your time
  2. wiscbirddog

    wiscbirddog Well-Known Member

    What more do you need to know that isn't already engraved/marked on this piece?

    NHL Stanley Cup, 1951 (April 21, 1951). Silver plate on copper, Sheffield Reproductions. Awarded to JP Bickell, Director of the Toronto Maple Leafs. Mr. Bickell passed away August 22, 1951.
    i need help, JTR, komokwa and 2 others like this.
  3. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Hockey Hall of Fame , might like that !!!!
    i need help, JTR and cxgirl like this.
  4. Antiquefan

    Antiquefan Member

    Your question is who presented it to him honoring their Stanley Cup victory.

    You could research old newspapers on line around that time for awards ceremonies. Contact the Maple Leafs and ask if they have a team historian. Contact as mentioned the Hockey Hall of Fame for assistance. If it is from the players it would be really great and worth a lot. If it is from the association of Concession Vendors (made up group) well.... maybe not as much.

    Certainly a very cool find please let us know what you find out if you don't mind!
    Take care and good luck with your homework.
  5. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    I agree with Antiquefan (love your kitties avatar photo), very cool piece JTR:)
    i need help and JTR like this.
  6. rink28

    rink28 Well-Known Member

    As a big hockey fan an used to play that is a really cool item! Definitely contact a few places like hockey hall of fame. They probably would be able to give you more info on this!
  7. Happy!

    Happy! Well-Known Member

    Very timely post. @rink28 how about them Bolts?!
    pearlsnblume and i need help like this.
  8. JTR

    JTR Member

    I would love to know lol!
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  9. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

  10. Firemandk

    Firemandk Well-Known Member

    That's too cool ! Good find !
    i need help and JTR like this.
  11. JTR

    JTR Member

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  12. JTR

    JTR Member

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  13. JTR

    JTR Member

    I will be contacting them today and I'll post my response!
    i need help likes this.
  14. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    I would contact that auction site after Hall of Fame. I don’t know much about that site, if they are still around or not. Looking forward to seeing what response you get from Hall of Fame.
    JTR likes this.
  15. JTR

    JTR Member

    That's a great idea. I will definitely post the response I get from the H.H.O.F. Thanks so much for helping me out with this. I appreciate it big time.
  16. TorontoMapleLeafGuy

    TorontoMapleLeafGuy New Member

    Hey guys, this is a great piece, I’ve sent you a PM as I am very close to the family and they have been trying to locate these pieces for years on their relative... I own one of these plates myself from the assistant trainer... they are very cool... the Hall Of Fame would only want this donated and wouldn’t buy anything... back in the day for awards players and team representatives would ge the option of many things... serving trays, Rings (which weren’t popular then), mugs, cups, ash trays and even in later years.. TVs... keep in mind that most players and representatives had summer jobs so they would work on the farms, gravel pits, etc....

    This is a very cool piece and when I told the family about it they were very excited... please check your inbox for the message, I tried to upload the picture of mine but it’s not letting me in here...

    It would be amazing to see this back with the family....
  17. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

  18. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    @JTR .............. you around ?
  19. This is my relative and I have his Sterling Silver Cigar Box.
  20. This is my relative and here is a picture of his Sterling Silver Cigar Box presented to him on Nov 19, 1947 at a BOD meeting when he did a share transfer to Conn Smythe making him the President. Mr. Bickell then remained as a Director. I would be very interested in obtaining any additional pieces. I am hoping JTR sees this, as he has not been on in a while. Sincerely, Graham 1947 Nov 19 Bickell Cigar Box.jpg
    JTR, komokwa and i need help like this.
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