Featured Old Baseball 1 Opinions

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by kraftblue, Dec 12, 2021.

  1. kraftblue

    kraftblue Well-Known Member

    Picked up 2 old baseballs. This one is old and has blue and red stitching which puts it in the American League 1901-1934. Has writing which I don't know if it is new or old.

    ball1.JPG ball2.JPG ball3.JPG ball4.JPG ball5.JPG
    Rayo56, KSW and judy like this.
  2. BaseballGames

    BaseballGames Well-Known Member

    The experts on vintage baseballs over at Net54baseball would have much better insights on both baseballs than we could provide. The stamping shown in your last photo might offfer some clues.
    The "S.H.S.6-B.A.I" inscription suggests a reference to the result of a high school game. The only "Don Reid" with any possible connection to pro baseball that we can locate played low-level minor-league pro ball in 1950, but the name is hardly uncommon.
  3. kraftblue

    kraftblue Well-Known Member

    Thank you BaseballGames!
    judy likes this.
  4. BaseballGames

    BaseballGames Well-Known Member

    Y'know, if you're curious about that (probably otherwise unremarkable) ball's history, it might be helpful to note where you obtained it. It probably didn't travel far. Is there a S------ High School or a B----- Academy or anything like that near where you got the ball? That it was marked with a final score suggests it was used in a "big game" for one or both of those schools and had major meaning in someone's (probably one of the players) young life. I hate it when personal histories just disintegrate and are forgotten...
    judy likes this.
  5. kraftblue

    kraftblue Well-Known Member

    I see the forums on that site are only for baseball cards.
    judy likes this.
  6. kraftblue

    kraftblue Well-Known Member

    Baseball. Got it local. Our local school is Stonington High School. Not sure about the academy, will have to research that.
    judy likes this.
  7. BaseballGames

    BaseballGames Well-Known Member

    kraftblue, no no no, check out the "Memorabilia / Autographs / Game-Used" section (linked in their taskbar near the top, third after "Homepage" and "Buy / Sell / Trade") -- that's everything except cards. Many guys there are fanatics for old baseballs. You may have to jump through a hoop or two to register, sorry, but those are the guys to ask. Trust us, we're regulars over there.

    Again, and this would be only if you're keen on discovering any local (or personal to someone) significance of the ball and the event, you could try contacting the school's athletic department and asking about S.H.S. versus BA in the 1930s-'40s...
    judy likes this.
  8. kraftblue

    kraftblue Well-Known Member

    Thank you Baseballgames. I will get over there.
    judy and BaseballGames like this.
  9. elarnia

    elarnia SIWL

    If you are in Connecticut, could be Stonington HS vs Bacon Academy in Colchester.:happy:
    Figtree3, judy and BaseballGames like this.
  10. kraftblue

    kraftblue Well-Known Member

    Elarnia, I googled yesterday and thought maybe Bacon Academy. Waiting on a call from the local historical society.
    Figtree3, Bakersgma and judy like this.
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