Featured Opinions on era and style, please ty

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by gauntlettgems, Apr 13, 2022.

  1. gauntlettgems

    gauntlettgems Well-Known Member

    91E91D80-58A8-4466-A5ED-59B339F729BB.jpeg 22207DD1-4587-43B2-95CC-5DD078CED95B.jpeg 4A0F5DB2-9745-4653-BF90-137D0A000E8C.jpeg 72E88347-24B6-4C73-AB3A-45A17FA34809.jpeg 497BE2F3-6B66-4F1D-935A-535B1310AF96.jpeg C6467976-C6B6-4E61-BCB2-10DCACE3B9AA.jpeg 2BED1C2A-6A92-4628-B5A0-7CAA414EEA59.jpeg
    Hello everyone,
    Got this in a bag of goodies. Was wondering if you could tell me anything about it. Era, style, etc.

    It is 14k and cabochon garnets. I don’t think it’s quite antique yet because of the closure type. I thought the mark on the bar might be something but I cannot make anything out

    What do you think? Any help is very much appreciated

    Thank you
    stracci, elarnia, judy and 8 others like this.
  2. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    It's a vintage circle pin, a style that was the height of fashion in the 1960s.

    Bronwen, ola402, pearlsnblume and 3 others like this.
  3. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    That little mark on the pin looks to me like it might say JL, OR it could be IL, but it IS pretty blurry.... others should be checking in!! LOVELY PIN!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2022
    KSW, gauntlettgems and antidiem like this.
  4. mekanah18

    mekanah18 Active Member

    I agree its 1960's. High end 14k and garnet. Can't make out the mark on the pin though...
    KSW and gauntlettgems like this.
  5. gauntlettgems

    gauntlettgems Well-Known Member

    Ty! I like the stones. They have great color
    KSW likes this.
  6. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    Great find! Very classy.
    gauntlettgems likes this.
  7. George Chaney

    George Chaney Well-Known Member

    A lot of your questions might be answered by identifying the maker using the stamp on the pin. A fine quality piece from the looks of it. I'm kind of with everyone else circa 1960's, thou I may go back as far as the 1950's.

    I tried taking a gander at the mark on the pin, but the image pixilated when it expanded so kind of out of luck on that end :(

    Nice find!
    KSW, gauntlettgems and Gus Tuason like this.
  8. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    The front looks early 60s, but that funky clasp looks like the ones I associate with 1905-1920 or thereabouts. But the hinge looks 50s-ish. So maybe a jeweler found a cache of the old clasps somewhere? Wouldn't be the first time.
    KSW, gauntlettgems and George Chaney like this.
  9. George Chaney

    George Chaney Well-Known Member

    I was thinking such with the clasp, but they do still use them, but I was thinking with the cabochon garnets, clasp and quality, it could be 1905 to 1920. I decided to refrain from my optimism and just recommend he figure out who the maker was, as I figured if its a known maker, then it might go a long way to identifying the period :)
    KSW and gauntlettgems like this.
  10. gauntlettgems

    gauntlettgems Well-Known Member

    I’m going to break out the telescope and see if I can see what is marked on the pin! I’ll be back
    KSW likes this.
  11. MelC

    MelC Momma, Wife, US Army Veteran, Nerd

    George Chaney likes this.
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