Rococo sofa age and origin?

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by bluemoon, May 30, 2016.

  1. bluemoon

    bluemoon Member

    Hello people,

    I would like to request some help in determining the age of this beautiful sofa.

    The seller describes it as "a 100 years old" but I'd like to gain more knowledge.

    What is a good price in your opinion to pay for a sofa like this?

    Is it a desirable piece?

    8486301359 - Edited.jpg

    @verybrad you know a lot about furniture, don't you? :)
  2. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

  3. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    For resale? Probably not.

    For yourself? You have to sit in it to see if you are comfortable.
  4. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Victorian balloon back sofa. Wouldn't really say it is elaborate enough or old enough to be Rococo. If not a reproduction, it is at least 120 years old. Not in fashion these days so not a lot of value. If for yourself, what other good sofa can you get for $100.00? If it needs upholstery, probably should pass on it.
  5. bluemoon

    bluemoon Member

    The seller's bottomline price is 280$ (originally 560$...)

    If I buy it, I'd like to sand the lacquer off the wooden parts and upholster the sofa in tea-stained off white cotton (french country style) to make it look almost like it's been in an abandoned house for a decade. (Please don't faint from hearing this antique-desctruction plan :D )

    Kind of like this:

  6. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    If you are going to modify the integrity of an antique, you might as well start with something that needs help or something newer without any antique value. Have seen many a nice old frame sent to the burn pile because nobody wanted to do any upholstery. They can be had for a pittance around here.
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