Featured Thought I would Share a few Antique Books From my Mini LibraryI Love

Discussion in 'Books' started by spirit-of-shiloh, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    Hi all,these books are some of my FAVES...Book on horses a bit tattered and torn but for being 183 years old I guess its OK :p
    phpJNPrjFPM.jpg phpJNPrjFPM.jpg
  2. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member


    Love the Hen article :)
    Joe2007, Pat P, Bakersgma and 2 others like this.
  3. Pat P

    Pat P Well-Known Member

    Hey, Shiloh, I spent my summers during elementary school at my grandmother's not very far from Danbury CT. A little later than Mr. Bailey, though! ;)

    I saw The Wizard of Oz for the first time in Danbury's movie theatre. That was a real treat.
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  4. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    WOW.....how cool :) This was my Granddad's, I have a lot of his books and treasure them so much.:cat:
  5. desperate_fun

    desperate_fun Irregular Member

    The hen story is great. Thanks for sharing!
  6. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    I love the comment "Carefully compiled with a pair of eight-dollar shears by the compiler." :D
  7. Pat P

    Pat P Well-Known Member

    Shiloh, was your granddad in New England? That's wonderful that you have his books. :)

    As I've mentioned in other threads, I have a large collection of 19th and early 20th century books that were my mother's. We've just been getting them out of storage and organized on shelves so I can figure out what I'm going to do with them.

    I love the old typography, illustrations, and often the use of language, too. When I start photographing them, maybe I'll share some pics, too.
    Snipsa and spirit-of-shiloh like this.
  8. kentworld

    kentworld Well-Known Member

    Cool collection, Shiloh! Thanks for posting.
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  9. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    Pat, my Grandfather was born in Chicago and raised in Michigan. His Dad was an editor for a Chicago newspaper,forget the name, then he was transfered to Mich.with the family. My Greatgrandad on my Mom's side is from New Hampshire, I have some of his books somewhere too.


    Maybe the Danbury book belonged to my Great grand???
    gregsglass likes this.
  10. Pat P

    Pat P Well-Known Member

    Or maybe he bought the book because of the newspaper connection? Maybe your paternal great grandfather even knew the author?

    Do you know where in NH he lived? We're about 20 minutes from the NH border.
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  11. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    No sadly I don't ?. The paternal Grandfather who was an Editor was I think J.A. Duggan? The maternal Greatgrandfather from NH was a Welpley. When I get caught up on my finances I want to join Ancestry. Another Greatgrand I was able to find free said he died as a result of an accident while working for the railroad,no details. He was a fireman and on his way to engineer.

    I have a pic someplace with him posing in front of a locomotive. Family rumor has it that there was a flash fire so he stuck his head out for air and his head hit a pole around a curve killing him instantly. I was also told my Greatgrandma sat in a chair for days, not crying ,speaking or eating from shock.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
  12. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    I just asked my 86 y/o Mom a bit ago which GG Grand was a Freemason? She is still trying to remember,LOL. We lost out home in the 60's, long story and along with it ALL our antique furnishings,and in some of the dressers tons of photos and documents. Its heart breaking just to think about it.
    Long story short,after the house was closed up, I along with a friend broke in and found some of the books I have today loaded in boxes. I grabbed them, a few other boxes with some doo dads but little else.:arghh::arghh::arghh: To this day I scour the internet looking for some of the old family albums.:(
  13. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    OK, my Mom just told me that my Great grand,William Welpley was a Freemason,the one killed on the railroad, anyway,before he married my Greatgrams,he had to sign a paper for the Catholic church that he would allow his kids to be raised Catholic since GGM was a devout Catholic. Also, she had to promise that she would never ask my GGF questions about the Masons.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
  14. elarnia

    elarnia SIWL

    Fitz-greene Hallack ties into Ct. too - he was born and raised in Guilford, Ct. and died there.
    His home at the southwest corner of Guilford Green in 1905

    and the same view today
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  15. Pat P

    Pat P Well-Known Member

    Guilford is about 1/2 hour from New London, CT, where my maternal grandmother's family settled about 25 years after the book was published.

    They had a store in New London, so who knows, perhaps Mr. Hallack even frequented their store and knew them.
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  16. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    I just LOVE history :cat:
  17. Pat P

    Pat P Well-Known Member

    I wish we had a way back machine so we could go back to any time in history and experience it first hand, ask people questons, observe, etc.
  18. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    I am just amazed that we are all here considering all the disease,battles,etc. that cut so many lives short hundreds of years ago.

    I watched that programe the other night,Who do you think you are? It was facinating. The show featured Reba McEntire....of course she could fly all over the US and then to England to study the census records and libraries to find her family roots.;)
  19. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Would somebody remind me which channel "Who Do You Think You Are?" is on now? I used to watch it when it was on NBC, but I know it went to cable and haven't watched it since.
  20. Messilane

    Messilane Well-Known Member

    Fig, I *think* it is on TLC (The Learning Channel).
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