Featured Thoughts on Ivory

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by reader, Aug 11, 2020.

  1. reader

    reader Well-Known Member

    My mother wore a ton of ivory. She passed years ago. It was all purchased legally if not morally. I’ve had it all in a drawer for decades as it was a turnoff for me.

    I more or less forgot about it all and just found a huge bag of bangles, cuffs, rings, necklaces etc.Big chunky stuff. It all fits me well and the yuck factor is somewhat softened by the mom memories.

    I believe that ivory should be banned and that no animal should ever be killed for its tusks again but not wearing it isn’t going to bring any animals back and the pieces have a lot of sentimental value to me now that I’ve rediscovered them.

    What do you all think? Is it terrible to wear them? I’m definitely conflicted! Curious on your thoughts so thanks for sharing.
  2. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    I have never understood how destroying vintage & antique ivory does anything to protect elephants. If anything, making it rarer can only make it more desirable for some people. I suppose there may be some market suppression effect in public smashings of confiscated contemporary ivory trinkets that then can bring no monetary return. We have had discussions here before & one thought was that treasuring legally obtained ivory is honoring the sacrifice it represents.

    I don't have a ton of ivory from my mom, but do have a bangle & a hinged cuff bracelet (that still has the remains of an 'antique ivory' sticker in it). Neither suits me, I would look like I was wearing my mommy's jewellery, & no one to leave them to, so, a problem.

    Personally, I have no issues with your wearing the ivory in memory of you mom. However, you may not want the flack you could get. Don't think anyone will throw paint on you, but...
  3. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    I agree. Better expressed above but to put it baldly... Wear it in honor of your mother and enjoy its beauty. Won't bring the animal back.


  4. reader

    reader Well-Known Member

    TY Good enough for Diana, good enough for me! I’m going to start wearing it!
    kyratango, Bronwen and c.free like this.
  5. stracci

    stracci Well-Known Member

    I understand your dilemma.
    I have a stash of ivory, all found at yard, estate sales and thrift stores. The sellers usually don't know what it is.
    I definitely have a love/hate relationship with it.
    I want to love it, but the 'ick' factor keeps me from wearing any of the jewelry. Maybe I should get over it, and wear it after all. It really is beautiful.
    I also have some small carved objects, chopsticks and a netsuke. These are somehow easier to own, since they are not jewelry.
  6. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    I have some bits here too. I "sold" an ivory bangle to a friend who loves ivory and wears it, and used to sell her what I found at pretty much cost. I found it in a rummage sale. It does have some of the "ick" factor, but destroying it doesn't bring the animal back.

    On a similar note, I took a pair of fossil walrus tusk earrings with me to the dentist when I got my teeth cleaned. The ladies there were happy to help re-home them. The animal has been dead since before humans crossed the land bridge from Asia, but fossil material is a pain to sell too. It was easier to donate to the cause, as it were.
  7. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    it's a shame that ivory is so beautiful...........
    if you feel....:yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck:......don't wear it...
    if you want to remember Mom...........go ahead !
  8. c.free

    c.free Active Member

    I often think about it. Is it wrong to wear ivory? I have quite a bit that I have purchased at sales. Some of it I purchased without knowing what it was. All, of it was bought at garage or estate sales for under $10. It was not sold as ivory, and probably is pre-ban. So does my wearing it encourage the senseless slaughter of these amazing creatures? Or am I somehow condoning it? I don’t think I am, but I feel guilty anyways. I still wear it from time to time. It really is beautiful.

    If it came from my mom I think I would have less of an issue wearing it. It’s like having a piece of her with you.
  9. reader

    reader Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone and I am going to start wearing it. I’m always tan (even though I try and avoid the sun) and I think it looks good on me and it definitely means my mom is with me when I wear it! If anyone makes a crack I’ll ignore or tell them it’s bone!
  10. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    Just tell them it was Mom's. That's all they need to know.
  11. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Tell 'em it's mom's bones. Cremation is such a waste, don't you think?
    JBo, charlie cheswick, judy and 3 others like this.
  12. reader

    reader Well-Known Member

    judy, kyratango and Bronwen like this.
  13. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    I have a handful of ivory cameos & an ivory plaque that has appeared in these pages many times. I think of my cameos more as little sculptures than as jewellery. I would not wear any of my ivory ones & will not buy any more unless I come across one of very high quality at a reasonably low price. People have continued to buy them & plunk down good money, more than I'm willing to bid. I'm wary of sinking any more $ in ivory. It does make beautiful cameo material:

    judy and kyratango like this.
  14. reader

    reader Well-Known Member

    Those are beautiful and the more I think about it the more I think it’s OK to wear pieces we already own and just make sure we don’t support further ivory trade.
    Bronwen, judy and kyratango like this.
  15. Hollyblue

    Hollyblue Well-Known Member

    I have a number of pieces that I wear,my favorite is brown in color and looks like stained wood.One piece has a blue stain on the lower part.A couple examples,they are mammoth ivory.

    Bronwen, judy, kyratango and 2 others like this.
  16. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member


    I still wear ivory. I have always picked it up when I find it.

    Most people don't even know what it is. Those who recognize it usually appreciate it.
  17. reader

    reader Well-Known Member

    I absolutely gave ivory no thought as I owned none and rarely wear anything but black which I like with silver. When mom died I stuck all the ivory in a purse sleeper and put it in a bottom drawer in my closet. Totally forgot about it for
    2 decades until Covid cleaning. Wish I could find a bag of gold instead lol.
  18. kyratango

    kyratango Bug jewellery addiction!

    I'll be cremated (only when it will be time:D)...
    I wish I could be barbecued instead! So all my tender fat meat and crusty skin wouldn't be wasted!:p
  19. kyratango

    kyratango Bug jewellery addiction!

    Agree with all above! Wear them as a tribute to your Mom, and to the magnificent elephants long gone.

    Modern Ivory HAS TO BE BANNED!:rage::mad:
  20. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Our threads often wander, but usually not to anthropophagy! The nouvelle nouvelle cuisine?
    kyratango, komokwa and reader like this.
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