Featured Tile - River Nymph with Lilies

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by Van_Poperin, Sep 25, 2020.

  1. Van_Poperin

    Van_Poperin Well-Known Member

    Hi guys!
    I purchased this tile on eBay about a month and a half ago (£33.85 total). I am not great with tiles, anyone recognise and/or date her? I though she might be Sabrina, from the Milton poem, as she’s depicted with two types of lilies... but it’s not thematically a perfect match (shouldn’t they be in her hair?)

    she has two nibbles, one on her fringe/bangs and one on her leg. The material underneath is white and chalky if that helps.

    FE66760F-5493-4A01-9644-59960E24B3BC.jpeg A5834CDE-BA10-4E20-AC8A-626CC3F00B8A.jpeg
    D620BC90-34AB-41BA-8281-9F53BE51597C.jpeg E71F412F-E393-4683-A112-0A05ADE74F91.jpeg
  2. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    Bulrushes, water lilies aka nymphaea and zantedeschia - arum or calla lily. I think she's simply a rather lovely water nympth.
  3. antidiem

    antidiem Well-Known Member

    Not traditional lilies, but a philodendron on the left and cat-tails on the right.
  4. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    It's not a philodendron. They aren't water marginals.

    It's this:

    Bakersgma, judy and Rec like this.
  5. charlie cheswick

    charlie cheswick Well-Known Member

    I'd be tempted to open up the frame(if it's an easy one), as the back of the tile would tell you everything in terms of age, and possibly maker

    But that's up to you of course, it's lovely either way

    The white Little nibbles, I would think would show aging if it was art nouveau in age, but they could have been done more recently as well
    Van_Poperin and judy like this.
  6. antidiem

    antidiem Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, philodendrons grow along the edge of the ocean in Hawaii and their flowers are much like this one, their leaves are shaped more like what is shown in the tile. I do know what calla lilies are, and I just don't see that in the plant on the left.
    Van_Poperin likes this.
  7. antidiem

    antidiem Well-Known Member

    And the water lily blossom she is standing upon! ;)

    She has quite the devilish look!
  8. John Brassey

    John Brassey Well-Known Member

    I found this metal plaque. This is clearly an adaptation of yours or probably vice versa. Interestingly the metal one has fairy wings and I’m thinking The Water Babies 9ED81769-6D85-449A-A205-458B5BC8BC2F.jpeg
  9. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    My calla/arums look just like the left hand ones. Given this is almost certainly a UK tile, I don't think they'd use a sub tropical "houseplant" - and certainly not a maritime one mixed with freshwater nymphaea. Arums are outdoors here and a common Victorian motif.
  10. Van_Poperin

    Van_Poperin Well-Known Member

    If “rather lovely” is all she turns out to be I am perfectly happy. Thanks for the ID on the flowers too!
  11. Van_Poperin

    Van_Poperin Well-Known Member

    I’ve never heard them called cat-tails, I’ve just been searching the generic “bull rushes”— I’ll add this term to my searches, thank you :)
  12. Van_Poperin

    Van_Poperin Well-Known Member

    She might well be new, but I was hoping she had some story behind her... maybe a copy of something early 20th century?

    I think you’re right. If googling ultimately fails I’ll turn her over to someone with some technical skills to look at the back :)
    charlie cheswick likes this.
  13. Van_Poperin

    Van_Poperin Well-Known Member

    This is a great lead!! I never once searched for fairies- good thinking. Looks like maybe someone clipped her Victorian wings when fairies fell out of fashion? She is definitely later but I feel I could find her sisters now, thank you!
  14. John Brassey

    John Brassey Well-Known Member

    This one might help too. Screenshot 2020-09-25 at 15.58.03.png
    Any Jewelry, Van_Poperin and Houseful like this.
  15. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    Id have jumped on that ! Shes lovely .
    Van_Poperin likes this.
  16. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    They're bulrushes in the UK , one L. Ca ttails in the USA.
    Van_Poperin likes this.
  17. Van_Poperin

    Van_Poperin Well-Known Member

    She’s similar in style but too naturalistic IMO to be “after” a Mucha picture as the listing suggests. Maybe “in the style of”? Increasingly evidence suggests it’s a popular design, hopefully with a discoverable artist! Thank you again John, I’m very grateful.

    John Brassey likes this.
  18. Van_Poperin

    Van_Poperin Well-Known Member

    Agreed! I think I got quite lucky, - it was one of those “type strange things into eBay and see what happens” days and she was listed under “hand made” :D
    John Brassey likes this.
  19. charlie cheswick

    charlie cheswick Well-Known Member

    Is that a drilled hole at the bottom van p ?
  20. Van_Poperin

    Van_Poperin Well-Known Member

    looks to be like a bubble from the production process?
    charlie cheswick likes this.
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