To do it independently you will be essentially starting a business and would need to plan for business structure, liability insurance, understand...
Just about everything costs more than my car.
I hate when my epaulettes get crushed ...
And it seems 8000 rubles is $91.43 US dollars. Boy, a ruble just doesn't go as far as it used to :-)
Not sure if this helps. [ATTACH]
Possibly pine. Would be fairly heavy for its' size if oak, and oak is absolutely punishing to carve.
Looks like some of a puller to remove something on a shaft, and the inner part is probably to hold it when it pulls it off. Similar ones are used...
My guess would be Asia or India? Looks like a tropical wood.
Below is the Text translated Library Edo-Tokyo Museum Document Title Ice bowl Document number 90362156 Major Category Folklore Subcategory Food,...
This one is similar but all wood [ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.