Featured 19th Century Electric Desk Lamp ID ???

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by Jim Goodykoontz, Oct 16, 2023.

  1. Jim Goodykoontz

    Jim Goodykoontz Active Member

    hi everyone. i found this lamp last week. i don't think it's the prettiest thing i've ever seen, but to me it's very interesting. there's a patent date at the top of the shade of "Sep 23 90." that would make it pretty early as an electric desk lamp. also, the overall design, while very antiquated is moving in a different direction towards some very modern designs. i don't think this design could have existed prior to the invention of the incandescent light. unfortunately, i've looked everywhere and i can't find a manufacturer's name. i haven't taken the bottom apart yet, i really don't want to, but that's probably the only place left to look. i'm hoping someone here might recognize it. the lamp stands about 17" tall and it's also stamped "made is USA" along the top of the shade. any help will be greatly appreciated...thanks
    verybrad, komokwa, Bakersgma and 2 others like this.
  2. terry5732

    terry5732 Well-Known Member

    Looks like parts cobbled together long ago
    The patent is likely just for the fitter
    The Bryant socket is probably around 1910
    The base may be '20s
  3. sabre123

    sabre123 Well-Known Member

    That shade is a marriage, retrofitted to the lamp. The round fitter ring is soldered or brazed onto the frame of it. That particular fitter typically had a glass globe or open type taped glass shade. It would hold the shade on via 3 or 4 thumb screws that are missing.

    The best part of the lamp for me is the Edison socket shell with the Bryant keyed socket.
    verybrad, komokwa, johnnycb09 and 2 others like this.
  4. Jim Goodykoontz

    Jim Goodykoontz Active Member

    it never occurred to me it might be a "cobbled together" thing. do either of you think it's worth listing on ebay? i've got $6.99 into it. i really don't know the market well.
    verybrad, komokwa and judy like this.
  5. sabre123

    sabre123 Well-Known Member

    Theoretically, there is a buyer for everything. Having said that, for this, the market will be very limited and the price would be low. You'd spend more time packing the shade to protect it from the shipping brutes to quickly make the sale not worth it.

    If it were mine, I'd pull the Bryant/Edison off, test it, and sell it on eBay by itself and cut my losses. Look at sold prices and get a feel for what they're going for. The minimum I'd take would be $10 USD plus shipping. On the high end, $30 USD

    Sell the base and fluted tube without the socket and shade.

    Too bad about the fitter ring. That could have been a $20 bill, given the 'fancy' detail on the tensioning ring.

    That is my nickel's worth.
    komokwa and judy like this.
  6. Jim Goodykoontz

    Jim Goodykoontz Active Member

    thank you for your help on this. i'm thinking of trying it as a "steampunk" desk light. it does have a certain je ne sais quoi. who knows? it's always amazing what kids will buy.
  7. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    Its a quirky looking thing and I think calling it Steam Punk is just fine. It fits the criteria. I like it,but I love colorful things so there is that. I could see that going on Fb for $100 easily. Id give it a good clean and post clear pics.I wouldnt dream of selling other than locally,shipping for it would exceed the cost of the lamp.
    verybrad, komokwa and sabre123 like this.
  8. sabre123

    sabre123 Well-Known Member

    You may get lucky. Certainly doesn't hurt to try.
    komokwa likes this.
  9. Lark

    Lark Well-Known Member

    Not sure where you live. Around here in mid Missouri, I have started putting my heavy or glass pieces in my garage sales. I would probably get $20 on that lamp. I have built up a following of people with booths that need stock. I have my garage set up so that I can open it up if they want to come by between garage sales. By the time I pay % fees on both shipping and the item I am better off with my garage sales. If it doesn't sell there I can always sell it on ebay.
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