Antique Dividers

Discussion in 'Tools' started by Rogusi, Mar 2, 2024.

  1. Rogusi

    Rogusi Member


    Hope all are well. I come with the question for a bit of help (if possible, I know this kind of tool can be generic).

    I was offered these antique dividers at a pretty nice price being dated by the seller to the 18th/19th century. However the "closing" bit at lack of better tecnhnical wording seems different to me. Is he right?

    Many thanks and kind regards 311458683_373575713_tcimg_E92C0C08.jpg 311458683_373575838_tcimg_1285892C.jpg
    komokwa likes this.
  2. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Welcome Rogusi- By 'the closing' do you mean the way the hinge opens & closes (ie: 18th cent hinges different than 19th cent hinges ?). Or do you mean 'closing the deal' ?
  3. 916Bulldogs123

    916Bulldogs123 Well-Known Member

  4. Rogusi

    Rogusi Member

    Hello, sorry bad explaining on my part. I meant the hinge yes, in that I saw many 18th century dividers where the hinge seemed just like 2 sides joined and less intertwined. Again, im sure my lack of knowledge complicates this explanation
  5. Rogusi

    Rogusi Member

  6. 916Bulldogs123

    916Bulldogs123 Well-Known Member

    Looks like it had a pretty rough life.
  7. Rogusi

    Rogusi Member

    Hello there,

    Just to give an update. I couldn't quite get a certain dating but saw other similar examples for sale (hinge and similar markings) dating to the 18th century (I take it cautiously).

    I gently cleaned it up and covered it in paraloid and like it a lot better now. There's this W markings on the inside, curious as to whether theyre likely decorative or part of the tool making process.

    Cheers everyone

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