Featured Antiques Roadshow Tickets

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by Marko, Apr 23, 2024.

  1. Marko

    Marko Well-Known Member

    Hi all, I don't know if this was discussed at all. Did anyone apply for tickets and win? I haven't seen any on eBay for sale for Baltimore, my closest city. I booked a hotel room there when I first heard about the tickets. Baltimore is the last stop.
  2. Tiquer

    Tiquer Well-Known Member

    We didn't get picked :(
    cxgirl likes this.
  3. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    The trick I've been told is to apply for oneself and have all one's family and friends apply as well. Increases one's chances.

  4. Marko

    Marko Well-Known Member

    I did that.
  5. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    And another is to apply for all locations budgeting, of course, for travel and accommodation expenses.

  6. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    I applied for Baltimore, but now it's looking like I'll be filming in another state on that date anyway. If they contacted me about what I submitted then I honestly don't know what I would do. My boss is the kind of quirky that would tell me to take off and go. He loves a cool object. I don't like to leave anyone hanging though, and I'd been wrestling about spending the money to do it anyhow...it would be quite the distance for me.
  7. Tiquer

    Tiquer Well-Known Member

    I am really disappointed that we heard nothing back. I'm sure they have a huge following, but I can't believe that doing a "lottery" is better than selling tix so ppl can at least go for the event. You'd think that PBS would be looking at every way possible to make money, since I seriously doubt they still have a ton of ppl "calling in to donate".
  8. bluumz

    bluumz Quite Busy

    Just think of the money they could make if they simply charged a $2 application fee... I don't think such an amount would stop anyone from applying.

    Years ago, I applied in my name as well as in three different family members' names with no success. A co-worker applied in his name only and won tickets. Turned out he couldn't go and he gave them to me. It was a fun experience!

    Why wouldn't they?
    Luckily, my local PBS station still seems well-supported with donations, they never fail to meet their goal during their donation drives. I continue to support them. :)
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2024
  9. Tiquer

    Tiquer Well-Known Member

    Because the number of people who make phone calls today is significantly lower.
    cxgirl likes this.
  10. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    There's always next year!

    PBS is publicly funded and they should stay that way. It's one of the few things we have left that brings good. They also have corporate sponsors, as we've all seen in the episodes.

    Worth noting that the appraisers and people being filmed on any other show would be paid. AR is all volunteer. I think I'd really be annoyed if I had to pay for the privilege to provide their content for free. :p

    Selling tix works the same way as free anyway. You sit in a virtual waiting room hoping the algorithm lottos you in. And then you get to pay Ticketmaster fees. :grumpy:
  11. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    Going rate on eBay is $200??! Well, I can say if I can't go I will definitely keep the spirit of AR and give them to someone else for free.
  12. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    @Tiquer If you actually watch PBS, you'd know that they do the vast majority of their donation collection on the internet.
  13. Marko

    Marko Well-Known Member

    I'd pay for tickets, I haven't seen any for Baltimore on ebay. I've already been to the Atlantic City and DC shows. I was on TV in the Feedback Booth in one.
  14. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    They say they notified general winners Apr 8th, which is what the eBay sellers are confirming with their screenshots.

    Early Birds (ie people who producers picked to definitely film) get contacted 3 to 2 weeks out allegedly. I'm assuming the 2 wks is to cover the first round of EBTs who may drop out. Producers probably ask them to confirm attendance.

    So, May 28th possibly up to June 4th, if you submitted something interesting to Baltimore?
  15. Marko

    Marko Well-Known Member

    I submitted a Hattie Carnegie saphiret necklace, the big thing. A vintage circular slide ruler, smaller thing.
  16. Tiquer

    Tiquer Well-Known Member

    I sent in my 1946 All Star game cigarette case.
  17. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    For me, a hand carved and artist signed gold-mounted cameo commissioned and sat for by the (future) famous Union General Alfred Howe Terry during his 1860 jaunt to Europe to study military tech/strategies/etc. He signed up for the Union army at the start of the Civil War shortly after his return to the states from this trip.

    It was carved and signed by the famous Italian carver Tommaso Saulini. He (and the shop he started) was well-known for carving cameos for many great names, including several for Queen Victoria. Many international major museums you could think of have a Tommaso Saulini.

    I bought the cameo after I asked for additional photos and spied the tiniest hint of a "T. Sau.." signature (although I would have bought it anyway, it was so fine).

    Then I bought a book by two Italian historians on the Saulinis which turned out to have the exact preparatory sketch for the cameo in it. That sketch was signed by the sitter and notated with the date (December 1860). The shop noted that the sitter was an "American National."

    Saulini T Mr Alfred H Perry Book Page Mirana 2.jpg

    That signature, misidentified in the book as "Perry," led my genealogical-wiz sister to figure out that it was actually the General himself, based on his numerous authenticated signatures.

    Terry sig.jpg

    I thought that was a pretty wild ride that makes a good story. I'm also curious what they would appraise it at. Saulinis are worth thousands, but the last civil war sitter (Confederate major who died in the war) went for 9k. That was in '08 though and I don't know the market for personal Union general artifacts. I submitted it to the militaria division instead of jewelry because I figured that's the unknown part of the equation for me plus it'll stand out amongst all the cannon balls and rifles. :smuggrin:

    Attached Files:

  18. Marko

    Marko Well-Known Member

    Wowzer, what a find!
  19. bluumz

    bluumz Quite Busy

    I didn't realize I was meant to take your comment literally. I agree that the number of people who would call in to make a donation is likely quite less than it used to be. But the PBS stations encourage donators to "call or click". I donate via their website.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2024
  20. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    Thank you! :shame: I love him and have no interest in parting with him, but I would love to share him with a wider audience. Get a lil education about beautiful cameos, amazing carvers, and a previously unknown portrait out there. :bookworm:

    Your necklace is really beautiful. I would totally wear it. It's hard to get a good idea of the whole thing in that photo, but it does make a dazzling image even so.
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