Asian, Japanese? painting on silk. Critique and translate signature?

Discussion in 'Art' started by 916Bulldogs123, Jan 21, 2018.

  1. 916Bulldogs123

    916Bulldogs123 Well-Known Member

    Hi all,
    I'm not sure if it is Japanese or Chinese but hoping someone could translate the signature.
    It is 18" x 16"


    atree 20875.jpg
    atree 20876.jpg
  2. NewEngland

    NewEngland Well-Known Member

    I have a postcard called "Front view of Yomei-mon Gate" at the Toshogu Shrine (Nikko Japan) in Japan and this looks like the same place. Sorry that I can't read the signature.
  3. 916Bulldogs123

    916Bulldogs123 Well-Known Member

    It does look very close. Especially with those pillars or what ever they are in front. Thanks NewEngland,
    Christmasjoy, NewEngland and judy like this.
  4. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Definitely Japanese, and really lovely.
    Could be another Japanese shrine, built in a similar style. @Chris Mount was in Japan recently, maybe he knows.
    Christmasjoy and judy like this.
  5. 916Bulldogs123

    916Bulldogs123 Well-Known Member

    Thank you A J. I hope a resident translator pops in to read the sig for me.

    Christmasjoy and judy like this.
  6. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Our Japanese speakers haven't been sighted for months.:(
    Christmasjoy likes this.
  7. 916Bulldogs123

    916Bulldogs123 Well-Known Member

  8. 916Bulldogs123

    916Bulldogs123 Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know a site that can translate Japanese?
    Christmasjoy likes this.
  9. Chris Mount

    Chris Mount Getting there

    Howdy might be hard to pinpoint as there are a lot of these types of shrines in japan im no expert but the front of the shrine looks quite like something they would do but the left hand side pagodas look out of place to me. They were usually in a straight line or at the sides of shrines or in areas surrounded by black pines maples etc. Took over 800 photos so will have a look see. There are over 1500 temples in kyoto alone and that' just one city. Leave it with me. In terms of translation have a look at a couple of apps I have tried to use to translate bit they come up with a lot of text based on the characters to yomiwa is one I use as you can draw the text will have a go later. It' an awesome paintinh and actually reminds me of an animated film with the painted background and the cel as the figures would be buying that one if I saw it. Chris
    judy and Christmasjoy like this.
  10. Christmasjoy

    Christmasjoy Well-Known Member

    Love the painting .. very beautiful, .. Joy.
    judy likes this.
  11. 916Bulldogs123

    916Bulldogs123 Well-Known Member

    Thank you Chris and Joy.
    Boy 800 + pictures that's awesome. I may not be able to identify the shrine. I would like to ID the artist though before I list it for sale.

    Christmasjoy likes this.
  12. Mat

    Mat Well-Known Member

  13. Mat

    Mat Well-Known Member

    The style of the painting reminds me very much of Shin Hanga woodblock prints, but I cannot help with the signature. The second character is "山", which can be pronounced "zan" or "yama", but I have no idea of the first one...
    Christmasjoy likes this.
  14. 916Bulldogs123

    916Bulldogs123 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Mat. Interesting information. Now I'm thinking i should have bought the other painting I saw by the same artist.

    Christmasjoy likes this.
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