Featured Black French Jet/Jet/Glass ? Necklace ID

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by KSW, Jan 15, 2022.

  1. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    I don’t know what to make of this necklace! Help needed please.
    Feels like jet. Lighter and warmer than glass with that slightly plasticky feel to it. Chinks like glass. Tests as glass (although Mary says everything that she is clueless about is glass). Colourless gems are glass.
    My initial thought was c1950 for no good reason.
    The hook is stamped Germany so that’s pre 1949 or post 1990 if that’s correct?otherwise it would say West Germany? Pretty sure it’s not post 1990 so pre 1949? No idea about the spring ring but it’s not actually attached, just clipped on.
    The hook has been reattached at some point so could be original or a later addition to mend it and this isn’t German at all?
    The chained beads are graduated but in the wrong direction to usual. That element is tightly attached to the rest of the beads but the whole lot could be restrung. Is the chained part originally or not to the rest? The beads look and feel the same.
    It’s quite short and would be very short hooked on the tightest chain link.
    The style looks similar to some Victorian ones but I can’t find any with the inset gems.
    Any ideas welcome as I have no idea! Congratulations if you have made sense of my confused ramblings.
    Thankyou :)
    7E1F5EA1-E1B1-472B-925B-17F72271CD01.jpeg 84E438DF-C23B-4036-8CD2-ADAA9C324CD3.jpeg DC765848-C864-4ED4-A9B1-F57EBCBC34E9.jpeg 179FF545-2780-4340-86E0-D3B45F66A68B.jpeg 91DD16BF-F917-4AD1-9705-7A2AFFE203E2.jpeg 89739E71-193A-439F-BA1E-4FD98F1684AD.jpeg 64B55C21-BA5E-478A-A00D-DCB9EBE25600.jpeg 10B31041-950B-4F18-9CF1-1EA335DEEAB5.jpeg 1444D5CC-437F-4679-AF42-153E7F6AC695.jpeg 75C7AFA6-39CE-4C5F-8F01-9DA6A92C3C8F.jpeg
  2. Bookahtoo

    Bookahtoo Moderator Moderator

    I have one just like that somewhere, but I wouldn't be able to find it to save my life...:(
  3. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    Lol, I feel your pain!. On the bright side, every box I open is like a voyage of discovery all over again :hilarious:.
    If you find it Book I’d be interested to know if the clasp is the same as that would answer my rambling question.
    bercrystal, kyratango, judy and 3 others like this.
  4. Darkwing Manor

    Darkwing Manor Well-Known Member

    On the third photo down, it looks like chill marks that form when glass cools on a flat surface, so I would venture that it is "French jet" aka glass. The style "feels " more modern to me than Victorian. That's all I got!
  5. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    That’s very helpful about the marks. Thankyou :)
    Darkwing Manor, judy and dude like this.
  6. Fid

    Fid Well-Known Member

    sadly many people don't realize that there was never a legal definition of Germany by the courts.
    although the industry in the western sector tried to protect Made in Germany/ Germany in court (Bundesgerichtshof Karlsruhe) to define and limit it to their advantage and exclude the GDR, this was refused by the court because it was in contradiction to the constitution of the FDR (Federal Republic of Germany) which made a claim of being the sole and only successor of the old Reich; the court practically told them to f.u. and deal with it, although it was understandable that it was a harassment because many GDR companies used "Germany" to deceive importers to markets like the USA because there was an anti-comniss hysteria there. (pssht, even Einstein kept his Swiss passport hidden just in case...)
    I don't know if there was a recent revision; last discussion was around 1980s. with the unification in 1989/1990 the question was obsolete.
    Darkwing Manor, judy and dude like this.
  7. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    I've seen post war German items which don't say West. Having said that, the style and clasp do look 30s, as does the length. I agree on the chill marks indicating glass.
    KSW, Any Jewelry, kyratango and 2 others like this.
  8. Fid

    Fid Well-Known Member

    doesn't matter what you've seen. there is no Germany, no West Germany, no Made in Germany; they all have no meaning whatsoever in court.
    judy likes this.
  9. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    That’s interesting to know that it’s not a good guideline for dating a piece. Thankyou.
  10. Bookahtoo

    Bookahtoo Moderator Moderator

    @KSW ! I found my necklace! Unfortunately, the picture of the clasp is blurry. But I can tell you that it's the same kind of clasp, except silver tone, and it says WESTERN GERMANY.



  11. Bookahtoo

    Bookahtoo Moderator Moderator

    BTW, did you notice that my memory turned something similar into something just like it? :hilarious::hilarious:
  12. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    I have something similar here, no rhinestones, marked Western Germany. My guess would be early to mid 1950s - Truman era to first term Eisenhower stuff in American terms.
    KSW and Darkwing Manor like this.
  13. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    That’s brilliant Book! It’s VERY similar, it’s got to be by the same maker.
    Mine is missing the teardrop bead at the end but I can replace that easily enough. I wonder if mine should have said western Germany but someone got a bit enthusiastic with the Germany stamp and did it twice.
    Thankyou for sharing yours :)
  14. Bookahtoo

    Bookahtoo Moderator Moderator

    You're welcome. :)
    KSW likes this.
  15. Janice Nicholls

    Janice Nicholls Active Member

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