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Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by Bronwen, Dec 20, 2017.

  1. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    There were commissioned as a personalized souvenir of a trip to Rome. Whether he wanted her to wear his portrait, or it was her idea... The first one I showed requires quite an ample bosom to display properly.

    There are far more cameo portraits of men than of women, not just famous men vs famous women, ordinary civilians as well. I assume this is because women would wear cameos of their husband, or their mother, as jewellery, while a man might have a portrait of his wife or mother cased for travel, but not to anything like the same extent.

    I should add, there were photography studios not far from the cameo workshops, so you only had to sit for the photographer, not the cameist.
    Figtree3, mirana, PepperAnna and 2 others like this.
  2. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Thank you , o' wise one !!:kiss:
    Bronwen, PepperAnna and kyratango like this.
  3. PepperAnna

    PepperAnna Well-Known Member

    Thanks, I am happy with the way it came out. The ring has a nice heft. My daughter is a Sagittarius.
    Figtree3 and Bronwen like this.
  4. PepperAnna

    PepperAnna Well-Known Member

    Yes, the white band seems to be Siotto's hallmark. The one I have is the most lavishly framed of all the cameos I own. The first Siotto you posted is beautiful. The gent's beard is so luxurious.
    Figtree3 and Bronwen like this.
  5. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    Siotto does beauuutiful hair. What a great likeness. That frame is ridiculously pretty as well.

    Your daughter is very lucky to be gifted a ring like that. It's so unique and well made. The jeweler did an amazing job.
    PepperAnna, kyratango and Bronwen like this.
  6. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    PepperAnna and Bronwen like this.
  7. Marko

    Marko Well-Known Member

    I always wanted this type of cut-out cameo. Is there a name for this type? I saw one other one on Etsy this kind. Found at an antique show yesterday, she is a brooch/pendant combo, findings 14k. Any thoughts as to age? Thanks.
  8. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    Early 20th century imo. I like how they were able to retain her lyre since it's on her shoulder. I also love to see the history in jewelry in how we "fix" things to keep wearing them. I shows it was loved.
    PepperAnna, kyratango and Bronwen like this.
  9. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Liberated? Salvaged? I have never encountered a formal, widely accepted term. There are a few things in the cameo world I wish I had language for.

    She's lovely, the Muse Erato. Agree with Mirana that the type of clasp says earlier 20th century for when these findings were fitted. The original cameo would of course be older, late 19th.

    I'm with Mirana in having an affection for pieces that have been saved from the bottom of the jewellery box & made wearable again. This is a favorite from my collection:

    Veiled queen damaged (1) adj.JPG
    mirana, PepperAnna, kyratango and 3 others like this.
  10. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    This guy too:


    His edges were not smoothed. The back is almost totally covered over in silver to prevent further damage. He's a real man's piece now, if he wasn't before.
    mirana, PepperAnna, kyratango and 3 others like this.
  11. Marko

    Marko Well-Known Member

    What a great setting for that gorgeous saved cameo!
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2023
    PepperAnna, kyratango and Bronwen like this.
  12. Marko

    Marko Well-Known Member

    I rescued her at a local flea market in October, $3. I'd like to find someone who does wire wrapping to set her in a pendant. I am guessing 1920s-1930s?
    mirana, PepperAnna, kyratango and 3 others like this.
  13. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Yes, you can see how she's a development from your Erato. The corsage on the shoulder is very 20s/30s. The hat is flapper-ish, but it takes time for cameos to catch up with the latest fashion, so probably 30s.

    She needs her neck washed.

    Sorry, I seldom recognize 20th century acid etched signatures.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2023
    mirana and PepperAnna like this.
  14. Marko

    Marko Well-Known Member

    You should have seen her before I cleaned her....some of the dirt is being difficult....
  15. PepperAnna

    PepperAnna Well-Known Member

    I like salvaged ones, too. Here are two of mine. The dude is Menelaus. Both are beautifully carved. I used to wear Menelaus to work all the time. 20231203_164426.jpg 20231203_164359.jpg
    Veronica B., Marko, komokwa and 4 others like this.
  16. PepperAnna

    PepperAnna Well-Known Member

    Could you please show the back side of this handsome man?
    Bronwen likes this.
  17. PepperAnna

    PepperAnna Well-Known Member

    She is terrific! Glad she was saved.
    Bronwen and kyratango like this.
  18. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    I love this one. They didn't just mask the damage, they really put effort into making the additions beautiful. She turns out better imo than she was when whole.

    Ah I love the big feather and the hat! $3 was a steal. I don't have one of the bob hairstyle cameos yet but I think they're really cute.

    Loooove the detail on his helm and his thick curls!
    Bronwen likes this.
  19. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Don't think I have one on file. Will have to take a few snaps when the sun is back again.
    PepperAnna likes this.
  20. Marko

    Marko Well-Known Member

    Beautiful carving!
    PepperAnna and Bronwen like this.
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