Camphor glass

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by Ashley Felton, Jul 23, 2019.

  1. Ashley Felton

    Ashley Felton Well-Known Member

    Wow. I don't want to bore anyone with my. Drama but to make a long story short...I brought someone who I thought was my friend into my home because her and her husband were evicted and were literally going to have to sleep in a park....only to be attacked by her husband (long story) and robbed...she robbed my Michael kors bag I just saved up enough money to buy and I just realized my camphorated glass necklace isn't gone.

    I don't have a lot of money at all...I'm a single mom fresh out of a abusive relationship and I can't afford much bc I'm unemployed just selling things online and barely making I put away a little at a time to buy something for myself or my baby...I wanted camphor glass necklace so bad...always thought they were so beautiful...I finally got enough money to buy one last wasn't the best but I got it for $45 and I was so happy....I'm so hurt and crying right now...I don't want to turn this into a therapy session ..

    I just wanted to see if anyone knows or has a camphor glass necklace that I can buy for a reasonable price please.

    I'm so

    I have a big heart but to always get screwed over! I get used...I'm the one people call when they r in trouble and then I don't hear from them til they r in trouble again...ugh I'm sorry I'm just venting...

    So ea camphor glass necklace? I have to start saving again.
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  2. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Oh, Ashley, I am so sorry. There is not just the loss of your property, but having your trust betrayed in such a terrible way. Big cyberhug from me {{}}

    I can't help with the camphor glass necklace, I hope you get another one for a bargain soon.
    I know the feeling, I used to be that way. Over years of sickness I lost just about all of my 'friends' except one, who lived some distance away. We had long conversations over the phone, in hindsight they were mostly about her problems.
    When I lost my ability to speak I sent her a mail explaining the situation and suggesting we would continue our conversations through mail. She sent me a very nasty mail back saying I just didn't want to talk to her, blablabla.
  3. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    Ashley, I'm so sorry this all happened to you. There are unfortunately plenty of individuals 'out there' who prey on others who they think might be easy targets.....I hope you reported this to the police.....and backed it up with plenty of security on your living space!! It is such a violation to first be in an abusive relationship (thankfully you are out of that) but to then be SO taken advantage of......just continued the violation....some so called people do not belong on this planet!

    As for looking for 'that special necklace', there are plenty of costume 'joolies' here, but whether or not they would have what you are looking for is questionable. Wait and come back to your post, and see if anyone has replied or not. I believe most of them buy and sell.
  4. Grateful

    Grateful Well-Known Member

    I so hope sooner rather than later you can put this behind you and have a fresh start. NO has to become part of your vocabulary. I didn't learn that word until my 50's and believe me, it will save you tremendous grief. You're not being selfish, you are looking out for you and your kid(s) best interest.
  5. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    Anyone of us can relate to having trust betrayed,especially if youve lived as long as most of us. Unfortunately that just seems to be part of life.Like Any,when I had 2 heart attacks in 3 months all of my so called dearest friends dropped off the face of the earth,leaving me with just one true friend when the dust settled.Its hard when you want to be a helping and giving person and get slapped over and over,but let it teach you what to look for in people and always follow your inner voice. if inner voice says "Dont do it" ,listen ! In this day and age I just wouldnt be comfortable exposing my child to other people,too many crazies,but the alternative is being a suspicious distrustful person and thats no way to live either. Life is hard,often full of pain,but LEARN from everything that happens and try to not make the same mistakes again.
  6. charlie cheswick

    charlie cheswick Well-Known Member

    sorry to hear that ashley

    if your enthusiasm for jewelry is anything to go by, you'll go far. keep at it, and learn as much as you can from this great bunch here
  7. Ashley Felton

    Ashley Felton Well-Known Member

    It's just so disappointing because I don't like to listen to the bad things others say about people . I am just tired of being hurt though. To be robbed after I open my home to you is just disgusting to me. And no I did not go to the police because she threatened to call dhr on me and make up lies about me abusive my child or that I'm doing drugs I just took it as a loss rather than have more problems . Wouldn't do any good telling police anyways. They won't do anything ....I'll let karma work its magic....
  8. Ashley Felton

    Ashley Felton Well-Known Member

    I'm trying. Unfortunately I have an enormous box of costume jewelry to sort thru... hopefully one day I'll get k deal with the good stuff...
  9. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    i'll be on the lookout for such a necklace........:)
    scoutshouse, Grateful and Any Jewelry like this.
  10. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Wish there were a way to click 'I hear you' instead of 'Like'. Other than the kind, supportive words of other members, there's nothing to like here. Think you just had a firsthand encounter with the opioid crisis. A friend of mine has an order of protection against one of her sons & is actually glad times she hears he has been jailed because she knows that then he at least has a roof & is being fed. Addicts ruin more lives than their own.

    I know you have had your own times of relying on the kindness of others to have a safe place to stay, you are naturally sympathetic. Think next time you need to know just why a 'friend' begging for your hospitality has become homeless, & don't accept stories of how mean or unfair the landlord was.

    Do what you can manage to do to make your place burglary resistant. You don't want these 2 coming back for something they saw but didn't take this time. Nor do you want any of their comrades; junkies network with one another.

    We'll be on the lookout for another camphor glass necklace for you. I'm glad if that's the worst of your losses.
  11. scoutshouse

    scoutshouse Well-Known Member

    So sad... Opportunistic criminals are out there, no question. Maybe they were evicted for being clueless, but they may have seen you as an easy mark.

    It sounds like you live alone with your baby. While that's the case, don't look out for anyone but you.

    Hang in there, @Ashley Felton

    Bronwen and Any Jewelry like this.
  12. Ashley Felton

    Ashley Felton Well-Known Member

    Thank you !! I have a huge heart and try to help people out but unfortunately they take advantage when they see this in me...and sadly I had to reject a friend of mines request to stay here because she had nowhere to go for the night because of what has happened to me. The bad ones ruin it for the people who may really need help and are good people
    scoutshouse, Bronwen and Any Jewelry like this.
  13. Ashley Felton

    Ashley Felton Well-Known Member

    Oh yes I have already done that. And I removed all items of value. I have things hidden in the most unlikely places...idk why I loved that camphor glass necklace so much. What people
    At consider very cheap is expensive to me because I don't have much so it hurts me that someone would just help themselves to my belongings. I can't comprehend how somebody can go into someone's home and just take their things like they are going shopping. It blows my mind.
    scoutshouse, Bronwen and Any Jewelry like this.
  14. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    That is because you have a heart for others and you have a conscience, and they don't.
    scoutshouse and Bronwen like this.
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