Featured Harpoon head?

Discussion in 'Tools' started by coreya, Aug 21, 2019.

  1. coreya

    coreya Well-Known Member

    Trying to find out about this piece I picked up at a yard sale but cant find one like it, any ideas? Have looked under harpoon, harpoon head etc. Its pretty big, about 16 inches long with retractable double barbs with a what appears to be a steel shaft and cast iron end for the handle shaft.

    101_1760-1.jpg 101_1761-1.jpg 101_1762-1.jpg
  2. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    an interesting point...mostly used with guns....imo..


    yours seems like a newer version of a 19th century design....that was replaced by a more effective toggle design..
  3. Michael77

    Michael77 Well-Known Member

    Ouch! this thing could mess up your day
  4. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

  5. coreya

    coreya Well-Known Member

    anyone have a suggestion where or what web site I could post this for additional info? Thanks Komokwa the head looks close but its the base that's not right for a gun type harpoon unless its missing something.:cigar::cigar::cigar:
  6. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    I know, that's why I said mostly.
    that and you have 2 metals....
    the ones pictured look to be made from the same metal , whereas yours looks assembled..
    ulilwitch, kyratango and Michael77 like this.
  7. coreya

    coreya Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Aug 23, 2019
    ulilwitch and kyratango like this.
  8. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    any markings on it, at all ???
    ulilwitch likes this.
  9. coreya

    coreya Well-Known Member

    No no markings and I've gone over it with a fine tooth comb!:cigar::cigar::cigar:
  10. coreya

    coreya Well-Known Member

    anyone ever seen one like this?
    ulilwitch and pearlsnblume like this.
  11. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    I just noticed it looks serrated. Doesn’t mean anything to me, but maybe it will to someone else.
    ulilwitch, pearlsnblume and Jivvy like this.
  12. coreya

    coreya Well-Known Member

    No serrations on it, just a sharp blade point.
    ulilwitch likes this.
  13. Jivvy

    Jivvy the research is my favorite

  14. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    & now after being thrust back into the debate.....I believe this to be a spear gun tip and shaft ....reworked with an iron end cap to fit a pole for throwing...

    upload_2019-9-17_21-13-59.jpeg upload_2019-9-17_21-15-19.jpeg
    ulilwitch, kyratango, Jivvy and 2 others like this.
  15. coreya

    coreya Well-Known Member

    Komokwa that could very well be! Wish I had that whole rig! Jivvy, that's just an artifact on the picture from making it fit here. Thanks all will keep looking :cigar::cigar::cigar:
    ulilwitch and komokwa like this.
  16. busryde

    busryde Active Member

    Is it just a really cool firepoker?
    ulilwitch likes this.
  17. ulilwitch

    ulilwitch Well-Known Member

    IMO it is a harpoon for harpoon gun.
  18. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    I'd be interested to see the gun that would have fired it !
    Figtree3 likes this.
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