imari vase with another strange mark, any idea?

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by sunday silence, Nov 27, 2022.

  1. sunday silence

    sunday silence Well-Known Member

    am guessing this is a modern design:

    1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg
  2. Ce BCA

    Ce BCA Well-Known Member

    Modernish, possibly meant to be a fungus (longevity), there are other traditional symbols around the body and the rabbits, so fits with the item.
    komokwa likes this.
  3. John Brassey

    John Brassey Well-Known Member

    Google Koransha Scented Orchid Mark and I think you will find it. Nice quality from that factory. Prices have slipped over the last ten years though.
  4. kentworld

    kentworld Well-Known Member

    Thanks! I couldn't remember what flower that mark was supposed to represent.
    sunday silence and komokwa like this.
  5. Francisco G Kempton

    Francisco G Kempton Well-Known Member

    Just as John B said.. it looks like the Koransha mark, you might also google the Fukagawa orchid mark which was used in the 19th century whch is another term for the Koransha, however it might have been used by fukagawa since then also. If the quality is very good then it is likely 19th century.
    kentworld and sunday silence like this.
  6. sunday silence

    sunday silence Well-Known Member

    thanks everyone for all the comments. A wonderful place to learn
    komokwa likes this.
  7. Francisco G Kempton

    Francisco G Kempton Well-Known Member

    sunday silence likes this.
  8. sunday silence

    sunday silence Well-Known Member

    Is the shape of the vase significant at all? I don't see koransha like that
  9. Francisco G Kempton

    Francisco G Kempton Well-Known Member

    It no doubt has some signifigance, however i am not sure what it might be, as i do not have that kind of knowledge or expertise. Fukagawa comes in so many shapes and sizes and styles, that to me it does not suggest it is not fukagawa. The style and colour and quality strikes me as something from early 20th century, however with the Koransha mark it has a good chance at being 19th century, If the mark is fake then you have to re appraise it.

    Here is a vase somewhat similar to yours.
    kentworld likes this.
  10. sunday silence

    sunday silence Well-Known Member

    oh ok I see it is somewhat stout.
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