Featured I've looked for days for this pattern and struck out.

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by Christie Lawlor, Feb 20, 2023.


Unfound pattern of Georges Briard

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  1. Christie Lawlor

    Christie Lawlor New Member

    I cannot find this pattern of Georges Braird bareware anywhere. I would appreciate your help and input. Thank you all.
    pearlsnblume, cxgirl and judy like this.
  2. Christie Lawlor

    Christie Lawlor New Member

  3. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Hi, Christie! Someone will be along shortly with tips for posting photographs.

    Christie Lawlor likes this.
  4. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the forum Christie:) I don't know the pattern but here is your photo:) @pearlsnblume might know

  5. Kronos

    Kronos Well-Known Member

  6. Kronos

    Kronos Well-Known Member

    Linometric seems to be the pattern name.
  7. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    Been a while since I've seen a Georges Briard anything.
    Aquitaine and *crs* like this.
  8. Christie Lawlor

    Christie Lawlor New Member

    Thank you. I can't find this anywhere except that one etsy site. I have the pitcher also and everything is like brand new. What do you think they are worth?
  9. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    Bakersgma likes this.
  10. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    For Future reference, when posting images:

    Try emailing them to yourself as "medium" size, they should then be under 1 MB!

    Each image MUST be UNDER 1 MB....
    There are instructions on site here on how to reduce the size of your image, if that is the problem......you are allowed up to 10 images per post!!! Here are some links to the instructions:

    If on the computer:

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    As an added note, when you have your photos LISTED, BEFORE you hit POST, please click on the wording that says to "POST EVERY IMAGE FULL SIZE" !! That way, we're not clicking on little thumbnails, but get to see all of the images full sized!! Thanks! Remember, it takes a bit for MOST new members to get the hang of it, but it's really quite simple once you get used to it!!!"
  11. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Great minimalist 'Jetsons' pitcher !
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