need help on a WWII dagger/knife

Discussion in 'Militaria' started by jingyel, Feb 3, 2025.

  1. jingyel

    jingyel Well-Known Member


    I found this knife from a local estate sale. I wonder if this is from original WWII period or new reproduction? Thank for the help! Screenshot 2025-02-03 182024.png Screenshot 2025-02-03 182118.png Screenshot 2025-02-03 182141.png Screenshot 2025-02-03 182201.png
    Rayo56 likes this.
  2. Rayo56

    Rayo56 Well-Known Member

  3. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!


    [​IMG]..yes, I have to agree, that your blade looks like a copy of the one @rayo has found..
  4. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    a professional site there @Rayo56 ...... many blades new to me !
    Yummy !!!!
    Rayo56, Marote and Any Jewelry like this.
  5. the blacksmith

    the blacksmith Well-Known Member

    Almost certainly repro WWII Army Officers dagger, I am afraid.

    the blade is the wrong profile, as is the profile of the head of the eagle, though there are slight variations of the latter. The scabbard tip is wrong, and the biggest givaway to my eyes is the concave pommel. These are tapered, but not concave that I have ever seen.

    I used to collect these, but knowledge has far advanced over the years since I collexted them, (even if mine hasn't!). The go to site for anything like this IMHO is this one:
    Any Jewelry, Rayo56 and komokwa like this.
  6. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Nice site........ talk about things I want...but can't afford !!!!!!!:(:(:arghh:
    Rayo56 and the blacksmith like this.
  7. the blacksmith

    the blacksmith Well-Known Member

    I know exactly what you mean Komo!! Fortunately, he does do terms if it is absolutely desired! He has beautiful stuff!

    I stopped collecting them when I bougth an absolutely mint Kriegsmarind dagger, complete with straps and knot, only to find out later that they were putting them together using all original parts later bought from the company, F. W. Höller of Solingen. That made me think, what is it, it isn't a fake as such, or a copy, but it wasn't exactly original either. so I sold all mine.
    If, I ever get another one, it will be an SA dagger, typical 16th century style Holbein dagger, or a second pattern Luftwaffe dagger, which I think is the most appealing of all the daggers.
    I dont like their politics, but you have to admire their beautiful edged weapons!
    Rayo56 and komokwa like this.
  8. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    putting them together using all original parts...........

    that's a tough one........ so the knife , while authentic.... wasn't assembled by the people or the factory it was meant for !

    but side by side..... identical..

    hummm........ you maybe.... shoulda kept at least one.....??????

    u know....hands on and all that..
    the blacksmith and Rayo56 like this.
  9. the blacksmith

    the blacksmith Well-Known Member

    Nor did it sit on the hip of a German naval officer, or have eve been on a ship! No, it was an odd problem. I did also have an extremely early replica of a second pattern Luftwaffe dagger, complete with correct knot and hangers, as all my daggers were. It looked identical, but there were a few little red flags if you know what you are looking at. I knew it was a replica, so it wasn't a problem, but it would have easily caught the unwary7unknowing.
  10. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    I feel ya..... no history !

    but..... it must have been dead solid mint ....... not a flaw , right !
  11. the blacksmith

    the blacksmith Well-Known Member

    It was, but obviously not a single red flag, even when stripped down and checked, and naval daggers are often in far better condition anyway. This about 1980
    komokwa likes this.
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