Featured New Haven Clock Co. clock I’m selling

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by J Dagger, Feb 3, 2020.

  1. J Dagger

    J Dagger Well-Known Member

    So I bought a group of clocks at auction. This one was part of the lot. Not in working order at the moment nor do I know what it would take to get it there. Glass and case are in good shape. I listed it for for $125 and had someone say they wanted it very quickly. Not sure if they will come through yet. Did I underprice it? Would this be considered a mantel or kitchen clock? I assume not a gingerbread clock since there’s no intricate carving. I’ve assumed it was made last quarter of 19th c, is that about right? If anyone knows a model name or number that would be amazing but I wouldn’t expect anyone to go looking. 4ED7E993-2F85-48E2-9094-0F96C56D31F1.jpeg 71BA62BF-6358-4169-8F01-4E233A8A423B.jpeg 6CF293F9-022A-415D-ADB4-481ECBC76CED.jpeg 5DF73F0E-35D6-4DDE-996B-6A147ECA8CA0.jpeg
    judy, Ghopper1924 and KikoBlueEyes like this.
  2. aaroncab

    aaroncab in veritate victoria

    I'd take 125 for that all day long.
  3. J Dagger

    J Dagger Well-Known Member

    That was the goal but only based on a slightly educated guess. Was aiming for the very high end without being nuts. I suspect not but for all I know it’s a rare model worth much more. Just figured I would run it through here before it goes. That “what if?” In the back of my mind got the better of me after being quite happy with the price I was getting.
    judy and Ghopper1924 like this.
  4. aaroncab

    aaroncab in veritate victoria

    I'm not one that would know for sure about rare clock models, Just generally for a clock that age, and a quick google search about the maker, and the condition...125 seems like a great deal as a seller.
  5. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Having someone want it right away ...is what you hope for.....
    but when it happens..... some sellers 1st reaction is ....I like it better now that others like it...so It must be worth so much more that I'm getting screwed here....

    It's dumb....but we are hard wired that way.....
    Watching a kid playing with his toys....he discards an older one when given a newer one......until a 2nd kid picks up the 1st toy and plays with it.....causing the first child to grab it back ....because upon seeing that someone else likes it...it becomes more valuable to him ! ;);):hungry::hungry:
    Bakersgma, judy, Ghopper1924 and 4 others like this.
  6. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    Are you making a good return on it? If so - just let it go. The time to have asked questions was before you listed it.

    There could be any number of reasons this person snatched it up so quickly. They may also be the only person interested in it. Start second guessing it and you end up loosing the sale and keeping the clock, maybe for years.
    Bakersgma, judy and Ghopper1924 like this.
  7. necollectors

    necollectors Well-Known Member

    The case looks Craftsman, Stickley, mission style....I believe it is a mantle rather than kitchen...
    judy, Ghopper1924 and J Dagger like this.
  8. J Dagger

    J Dagger Well-Known Member

    It is silly how we are wired! I’m quite the armchair psychologist, always psycho analyzing myself and others around me. I liked this clock to start with and like it the same amount now. Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing anything. I’ve certainly been guilty of liking something better when someone else “picks it up” though. Antiques sometimes but most typically women.

    Fid, Ghopper1924 and aaroncab like this.
  9. necollectors

    necollectors Well-Known Member

    Third party validation...we are all guilty. But my guess on this is about $$$...no one ever wants to sell something for too low and end up feeling duped!
    judy, Ghopper1924 and J Dagger like this.
  10. J Dagger

    J Dagger Well-Known Member

    No second guessing the sale happening. Just like to satisfy my own curiosity. Was pretty comfortable with my assessment but when there’s such a knowledgeable community a click away it’s just too easy bounce things off of. Your advice is good though. Nothing worse than turning down a solid offer and then another one doesn’t come for a long time if ever. I’ve been there before. In this case there’s been some follow up interest but nothing I would count on. The return would be about 15x my investment which I would be very happy with.
    judy likes this.
  11. J Dagger

    J Dagger Well-Known Member

    Can you dupe yourself? Maybe end up feeling dopey? :p
    judy likes this.
  12. Ghopper1924

    Ghopper1924 Well-Known Member

    This may not be a conventional "gingerbread" clock, but it's from the same time period. If you can get $125 for a non-funtioning clock, then take the money and run! I don't know about this particular model, but in my location in the U.S. Midwest working clocks of this type are often less than $125.
  13. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    Clocks as a whole are down. Very few inquiries. Usually selling more for decoration than for actual use, here in Northern CA.
    I have a clock collector friend in his 80s that I sometimes sell for. He is always complaining about how low his clocks sell for. However, on the other hand - he can pick them up for a song. He just doesn't need anymore at his age.
    Ghopper1924 and J Dagger like this.
  14. J Dagger

    J Dagger Well-Known Member

    I bought the lot for a song and that’s the only reason I got them. I was surprised when someone bit so quick at my list price. Now we will see if they come through.
  15. J Dagger

    J Dagger Well-Known Member

    Thanks. That’s what I was thinking too. I like to start things on the high side just to see what happens sometimes. Glad no one thinks I was too low and quite the opposite.
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