Featured Nice Thrift Store Finds

Discussion in 'Art' started by Snowman Cometh, Nov 10, 2024.

  1. Snowman Cometh

    Snowman Cometh Well-Known Member

    A few of these I didn't like. But, since they all seemed to be owned by the same person, I bought them. $1.50 each for original watercolors (fairly same 4" x 5") is a nice price. The 11/600 which is 19" x 25" for under $30 it's great. It's called Cape Henry Moon by Herb Jones. My scrap book for art is gaining momentum.
    007.JPG 008.JPG 009.JPG 010.JPG 011.JPG 012.JPG 013.JPG
    trip98, lovewrens, verybrad and 6 others like this.
  2. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Nice finds. Watercolors are nicely done and appear to be Russian.
  3. Snowman Cometh

    Snowman Cometh Well-Known Member

    That's what my wife said.I just did an image search and it's St. Basil's (Basilius) Cathedral. Even dummy me has heard of that place.
  4. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    They all appear to be Russian scenes. Souvenir art maybe.
    Snowman Cometh likes this.
  5. architrave

    architrave Well-Known Member

    The third and fifth are views of the Ipatiev Monastry at Kostroma.
    Snowman Cometh likes this.
  6. Snowman Cometh

    Snowman Cometh Well-Known Member

    Thank You! I thought those were St. Basil's.
    Maybe. Usually souvenir art are prints. These are original watercolors. But, they could be.
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