OT - Moving forward......

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by 707susang, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Sue, Even while you are on this big adventure I hope you have time to check in here once in a while, anyway... even if not for the same purposes as before.
    707susang likes this.
  2. 707susang

    707susang Active Member

    Fig, of course I will. I decided I will take my laptop, although I have mixed feelings about it. I have a love/hate thing with techno stuff, but I truly can't imagine being without it. Ok, I don't text and my cell phone is mostly off and resides in my purse, off, unless I am out and I want to make a call. It will stay that way and anyone who knows me intimately, will find me, or me them, if I/them wanted to and knows how - I am not going to Siberia, although shipping my 'snow/cold' clothes, in advance, is a good idea. Thank you, B/Sue. OXOX.

    As always, I hate typing my feelings and they either come out cryptic because I peter out half way through my thought, or take the short way with few but generic words.

    I will read here when I can, post to say hello and such. Be well, all....

    I may take my fiddle, but may not...

  3. 707susang

    707susang Active Member

    Greg, I already have lived all of my life in/and around San Francisco. I was born there and spent my childhood there (on the ocean, just south of it less than five miles). I have spent my adulthood north of SF about 50 miles, or so, in the wine country of NorCal. Just today, I was driving in and about my own county. It is so very beautiful, I forget sometimes.

    This painting belongs to me, the original...hangs above my sofa in the livingroom. 12 miles or so, from my home. It's the site for the pein aire...Ellen Klim.

    1778_1072650739534_9900_n.jpg 1778_1072650739534_9900_n.jpg 1778_1072650739534_9900_n.jpg
  4. 707susang

    707susang Active Member

    What? sorry for the triple. Anyway, this is my home turf.
  5. 707susang

    707susang Active Member

    What a wonderful thing to post about how I feel and think I am the same. I can feel, but how I wish I could write..... Alas, I cannot.

    But, I can dream, and still do. I hope to go to Africa again, one day..

    John Barry - RIP. Your music has given me a lifetime of wonder and dreams...

    Thank you.

  6. 707susang

    707susang Active Member

  7. 707susang

    707susang Active Member

  8. 707susang

    707susang Active Member

  9. 707susang

    707susang Active Member

  10. 707susang

    707susang Active Member

    As luck will have it, I will be sliding into home (window seat), on the morn of my B-day. I have always spent my birthday, in years past when I could, on a beach somewhere in the world. This year, I will get to look out the window at the sea, I suppose. Good enough. (smile). Thanks to those for the best wishes.
    Sweet beginnings and sweet endings....

    Figtree3 likes this.
  11. 707susang

    707susang Active Member

    I needed a place to ramble and share my spontaneous, musically induced talking to myself, flights of fancy, late at night.....I will miss that private time of night, but I hope to be otherly occupied. Let's see......hmmmm, how do I leave it at that?

    It's late harvest season here (grapes). The weather is beautiful as it always is. The SF Giants are playing in the world series, and won tonight....Go Giants!

    Upcoming weekend, celebration of Auntie Elva, nearly making it to 100. So close..

  12. 707susang

    707susang Active Member

    I got my answer from one of my dearest friends...I invited him here, hope he joins. He likes antiques. Night, folks...

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