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Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain
Seeking information on Wedgwood Jasperware tea set
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<p>[QUOTE="Sibley, post: 9803800, member: 87008"]I believe it's dipped, the bottom is white. Inside is white and glazed. And I don't know if the set was acquired new or old. My aunt gave it to me, but it's origin isn't my family. I got it because I like Wedgwood and she is trying to declutter, but has a much easier time giving things away if she knows the person will appreciate them. </p><p><br /></p><p>Is there a book or website with all the different scenes? I know there's a Wedgwood book but don't know what's in it.</p><p><br /></p><p>Pic attached of the bottom of the creamer. Sugar is harder to see, the teapot is harder to get out.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="Sibley, post: 9803800, member: 87008"]I believe it's dipped, the bottom is white. Inside is white and glazed. And I don't know if the set was acquired new or old. My aunt gave it to me, but it's origin isn't my family. I got it because I like Wedgwood and she is trying to declutter, but has a much easier time giving things away if she knows the person will appreciate them. Is there a book or website with all the different scenes? I know there's a Wedgwood book but don't know what's in it. Pic attached of the bottom of the creamer. Sugar is harder to see, the teapot is harder to get out.[/QUOTE]
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Seeking information on Wedgwood Jasperware tea set
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