Featured Stuff from my dad's possessions

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by Robbie P, Feb 19, 2017.

  1. Robbie P

    Robbie P New Member

    IMG_0439.JPG IMG_0441.JPG IMG_0437.JPG IMG_0436.JPG IMG_0435.JPG IMG_0434.JPG IMG_0433.JPG IMG_0432.JPG IMG_0431.JPG IMG_0430.JPG Hello again Antiquers! Newbie Newbie here again. My dearest wife is lovingly (ha!) prodding me to go through my late father's possessions, so here are some new photos. Please don't hit me if any of this is not worthy! They are: 1) a signature or something on a block of wood. 2) Said block of wood; 3) signature on bottom of figurine; 4) Said figurine; 5) African figurines; 6) a great bookend, hope I can find the other one; 7) Label on one of the figurines in next photo; 8) said figurines; 9) Dancing critters of some sort, South American?; 8) some cool little weights that fit together like Russian dolls. I assume Asian, perhaps Nepal, India? They have western numbers on them. So, anything interesting in the lot? Thanks!
  2. aaroncab

    aaroncab in veritate victoria

    1 says Lignum Vite... which is the type of wood that little doodad is made of.... looks like a pencil holder perhaps.
  3. Robbie P

    Robbie P New Member

    Yup, just remembered the Lignum vitae thang, I think I had looked it up once before and then forgot I had done so. Thanks!
  4. Robbie P

    Robbie P New Member

    And doing further research, looks like I have a brass set of scale/apothecary weights, just in case I want to open my Ye Olde Medicine Shoppe in the future...
  5. Robbie P

    Robbie P New Member

    Colima dancing dogs from Mexico!
  6. Robbie P

    Robbie P New Member

    Sleeping Mexican gentleman bookend, a common motif but these are nicely done so if I find the other one I will use them.
  7. aaroncab

    aaroncab in veritate victoria

    Numbers seven and eight interest me the most ....probably early 20th century European terracotta figurines...maybe Italian? Just my uneducated guess. Can't make much out on the label besides a "v". I could be way off :)
    Aquitaine likes this.
  8. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    IMG_0436.JPG I know it's time consuming, but your best bet is to post individual items in their proper category to save us time answering and it'll be more coherent.

    Also, if you click "Full Image" after you upload photos, they'll appear in the post like this.
    Aquitaine likes this.
  9. Robbie P

    Robbie P New Member

  10. Robbie P

    Robbie P New Member

    See, I don't even nkow how to post correctly! Arrgh!!! I laughed at my dad because he didn't own a computer, but I own one and don't know how to use it. Double arrgh. I will gladly take you advice and post better in the future. I think I did it this way because I did not want to annoy folks with what may very well turn out to be either junk or items of little consequence or interest as opposed to the Holy Grail or a Van Gogh. But I'll work on my style :)
  11. Robbie P

    Robbie P New Member

    That's "know" how to post correctly, and gladly take "your" advice. Sheesh, I kan't even spel rite...
  12. leeddie

    leeddie Well-Known Member

    You should google early 20th century Italian Terra Cotta and see if you can find some similar figures to the one group in pic 8. They look as if they might have some
    Aquitaine likes this.
  13. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    You'll fit right in here. Sometimes we can't brain right here!
    antidiem and Aquitaine like this.
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