Trying to identify the artist for this oil paint

Discussion in 'Art' started by AndrewL, Dec 14, 2023.

  1. AndrewL

    AndrewL New Member

    image_123986672.JPG image_123986672 (1).JPG image_123986672 (2).JPG I've been doing quite a bit of research for the initial signature for this painting. However, I am still not able to identify who painted it... here are the pics of the painting. Year :1853 initials:J.C
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2023
    Any Jewelry and moreotherstuff like this.
  2. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Looks like a naive 19th century copy,then again it could be priceless primitive-def an odd subject..Cupid broke his little drum ?
    PS-This could be a for our ace Mythos Detective @Bronwen and perhaps @PepperAnna
    mirana likes this.
  3. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Is this yours?

    Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 10.32.03 AM.png

    Bakersgma and Bronwen like this.
  4. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    If there's only one, it's a putto. This one has run his drumstick through the drum heads. Did it happen when he fell? Or did he fall in grief after mischiefing the drum? Not a mythological subject. The realm of the putti is sort of a thing unto itself.
  5. AndrewL

    AndrewL New Member

    Yes. I bought this back in London last year. But i was never be able to identify the painter
  6. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Welcome Andrew.
    I don't think you ever will. While it is a sweet painting, it is not by a trained artist. One of the signs is the way the hand on the right and the foot are painted, that is not up to the standard of listed artists.
    It is attractive though, and was probably painted for a private home.
    I hope you can enjoy it for what it is.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2023
    mirana likes this.
  7. architrave

    architrave Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Dec 15, 2023
  8. architrave

    architrave Well-Known Member

  9. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Well found you! (And that must have taken some effort.) So not a putto, a child. Agree re amateur effort (which likely means by a gentlewoman with some art training and lots of time on her hands.)

    mirana likes this.
  10. AndrewL

    AndrewL New Member

  11. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    The piece is a bit edgy in a strange kind of clumsy way,of course it could just be me !?
  12. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    It's the background the artist chose. Adds a layer of meaning that may not have been intentional.

  13. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    The murky ominous background definitely gives a darker feel-it's not the grinning Gerber baby .
    AndrewL likes this.
  14. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    No. Ominous is the right word. Without it it would look like a little domestic scene -- the little boy who gets tangled in his bedding, trips and breaks his drum. With it, it looks like an allegory --the putto trapped by damaged love (or some such.)

    AndrewL likes this.
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