Featured Very Heavy Sterling Short Chain with Double Clasps, What is It?

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by Curioser, May 24, 2024.

  1. Curioser

    Curioser Well-Known Member

    Someone has offered to sell me this. I may be interested BUT I don't know what it's for. She told me what she thought it was, I am somewhat skeptical.

    I'm not going to give any of my (limited) guesses on this thing as I want a broader selection of ideas. (PS- Google image search yielded nothing close)

    It tests as sterling, NO marks, is heavily oxidized and has a texture of tiny dots on the links and the clasps. It has a length of 15 3/8" when laid out straight. IF you clasp the two large lobster claws together the inside circumference is only 13 1/2. Both clasps swivel and have overlapping ends at their openings.

    The chain is graduated from about 5/8" wide triple round links down to 5.5/16" links. The object weighs 5.6 troy ounces!

    What do you think I have?
    SS_Heavy_2_clasp_chain_2.JPG SS_Heavy_2_clasp_chain_1.JPG
  2. crowleys

    crowleys Well-Known Member

    Maybe a wallet chain.
  3. Curioser

    Curioser Well-Known Member

    I thought of that but didn't understand the need for it to be graduated. The overall chain and clasps are heavy but there are single jump rings connected to the clasps which takes away from the security/non-breakability of the chain. You may be right, though, let's see who else chimes in. Thanks!
    Lucille.b likes this.
  4. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

  5. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    Wallet or phone case chain. Or some such. It's a whatever - whatever you want to use it for.
  6. Curioser

    Curioser Well-Known Member

    Thanks @komokwa and @evelyb30!! The person who offered it to me said it was a necklace. I doubted it as a chain that graduates from wide to small as a neck chain is weird as were the double clasps. And, it's too short for the typical woman to wear--not to mention it's quite uncomfortable with all the raised dots! Case closed!
    Potteryplease and komokwa like this.
  7. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    even if it fit, you'd tear it off your neck within minutes.....:hungover::hungover::hungover:
  8. Curioser

    Curioser Well-Known Member

    It did fit and it was UNPLEASANT!!! It's actually on the short side for a wallet chain but I guess it works for those who are really nervous about being pick-pocketed and thus keep their wallet in their front pocket! A good steel chain and a few clips from the hardware store would be cheaper, easier to lug around, and just as effective!
  9. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    but not as show offy.....!;)
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