Featured Vintage Game Table ????

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by DivasFinds, Mar 9, 2024.

  1. DivasFinds

    DivasFinds Well-Known Member

    So I picked up this vintage game table and we cannot, for the life of us, figure out how to effectively attach the top to the base.
    So, the top folds open on hinges, and also swivels to expose the inside compartment (w the top in the closed position I'm assuming).
    Theres a hole in the brace bar and also in one of the "tabletop" pieces for a bolt (??) to go through so it can swivel....but it's super weird. One hole is bigger than the other, and regardless there would have to be a screw head at least on the exposed top side. Strange. Has anyone ever seen one of these? I used Google lens to no avail to try to find a similar table so I could at least see the orientation of it all fitting together.... 20240309_132158_copy_1000x450.jpg 20240309_132155_copy_1000x450.jpg 20240309_132435_copy_1000x450.jpg 20240309_132346_copy_1000x450.jpg 20240309_132316_copy_1000x450.jpg 20240309_132306_copy_450x1000.jpg
  2. Virginia

    Virginia New Member

    Do you think it's a homemade piece, because that might account for it being a puzzle piece. Are there any labels on it?
    Bronwen and DivasFinds like this.
  3. DivasFinds

    DivasFinds Well-Known Member

    Nope, no labels! possibly home made...might explain the bizarro factor
    Bronwen likes this.
  4. Virginia

    Virginia New Member

    Is it put together like this one?

    Marote, Bronwen and Rayo56 like this.
  5. Rayo56

    Rayo56 Well-Known Member

    The holes are missing the "swivel" pieces that go into them?
    Bronwen and DivasFinds like this.
  6. DivasFinds

    DivasFinds Well-Known Member

    ahhhh.....maybe!!! I didn't think about that orientation to open and close the top. I was always terrible at spacial stuff like this!
    Bronwen likes this.
  7. DivasFinds

    DivasFinds Well-Known Member

    Yes no screw or whatever was in there....
    Bronwen likes this.
  8. Rayo56

    Rayo56 Well-Known Member

    This might be similar to the piece you are missing - at least just to show you what you may be able to use. I'm just guessing it would tight fit into the small hole then loose fit into the larger hole to swivel. And it may be wood or metal?

    Remember this is just to show you the shape of the piece you may need
    Marote, Bronwen and DivasFinds like this.
  9. Rayo56

    Rayo56 Well-Known Member

    Just search "Flip top game table" - lots of examples to give you a better idea.
    Bronwen and komokwa like this.
  10. boycemuske87

    boycemuske87 New Member

    It is worth contacting professionals for restoration or furniture repair.
  11. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    is it ?
    how much ?
  12. DivasFinds

    DivasFinds Well-Known Member

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