Wardrobe any ideas?

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by Jordan91, Dec 2, 2023.

  1. Jordan91

    Jordan91 New Member

    Hello everyone I’m new here just looking for some information on this wardrobe ER MARYLAND that I have had handed down to me from grandparents. Any idea on what sort of year it is? I can remember her saying briefly it could be a gentleman’s wardrobe and I’m sure she said her dads that’s how she acquired it so fairly old. I just can’t find much information anywhere so anything would be a great help thanks in advance.
    Measurements are
    Height : 1290mm
    Width : 760mm
    Depth : 400mm
    Sorry about photo quality had to shrink due to 1mb limit.
    996D688E-DA3C-4559-8D1B-25BDD06D7B52.jpeg 809547B1-2AFF-428A-BB6B-AF804318674F.jpeg 7D2DC173-C2FC-446D-A59E-E5114111D94E.jpeg 7F3D5FCD-E742-4BDF-A97F-B48246D8AE68.jpeg F1BCDA98-F7A2-4124-86E6-09092EB40F24.jpeg
    johnnycb09 likes this.
  2. daveydempsey

    daveydempsey Moderator Moderator

    Welcome Jordan.
    It is similar to what I call a gentlemans wardrobe but some have a glass or plastic cover with a door on the shelving.
    E R denotes Elizabeth Regina (QEII) so probably made after 1952.
    I get quite a few of these in house clearances and I can't do much with them.
  3. bluumz

    bluumz Quite Busy

    What country are you in? This is an international forum and that info is very helpful.
    If USA, there were "Maryland Furniture" companies in Brooklyn, NY and Baltimore, MD but I can't find much info on either.
    Wardrobes are no longer considered desirable furniture items, since built-in closets are now the norm. They are a tough sell but can be useful storage in the basement or spare room. :)

    So others can better see your label (and in future, you could try emailing photos to yourself and downsizing them through that process, you then save those photos to use when posting here):

    Screenshot (36).png
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2023
    komokwa likes this.
  4. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    Very art deco,circa 1930s . Sadly these languish in shops here.
    komokwa likes this.
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