Featured Watercolour unknown artist

Discussion in 'Art' started by Chinoiserie, Apr 16, 2024.

  1. Chinoiserie

    Chinoiserie Well-Known Member

    Another unknown artist. This cute little watercolour is signed NMC. No other clues. It was found in Buxton NW UK. The frame is 22cm

    IMG20240416173917_copy_3000x4000.jpg IMG20240416173921_copy_2634x3512.jpg IMG20240416173927_copy_3000x4000.jpg
    charlie cheswick, jeasta and Marote like this.
  2. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    I don't think that's period. The initials are in a modern hand.

    Chinoiserie likes this.
  3. Chinoiserie

    Chinoiserie Well-Known Member

    Okay thank you.
  4. Chinoiserie

    Chinoiserie Well-Known Member

    The style has a Chinese feel about it, although the subject doesn't.. odd
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