Your thoughts on this Cross stitch

Discussion in 'Textiles, Needle Arts, Clothing' started by 916Bulldogs123, Mar 21, 2017.

  1. 916Bulldogs123

    916Bulldogs123 Well-Known Member

    estimated value $300.00? I did many searches on this and came up with the book only. never found anything else by the artist.
    I know value is just what one person thinks their work is worth but just couldn't think this would sell for close to that. maybe i am not seeing something??


    atree 17114.jpg
    atree 17119.jpg
    Joshua Brown likes this.
  2. judy

    judy Well-Known Member

    The hours it took to complete might well add up to a $300 value.

    But that's where it ends with me....JMHO of course.

    Nice.... and neatly done, but there's many similar examples out there to be had for very little money.

    Sandra, Bakersgma and Joshua Brown like this.
  3. Mansons2005

    Mansons2005 Nasty by Nature, Curmudgeon by Choice

    Can not help you with the value or age, etc.

    But I WILL say that I can not imagine where the inspiration for some of this cutesy stuff comes from...............yes, a hobby horse and a quilt in nursery - cute! A crate of fresh peaches on a cabinet in the kitchen, larder or on the back porch - evocative.

    But would you have hung (hanged?) a quilt on your back porch? Would you put a crate of possibly insect ridden peaches in your baby's nursery?

    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017
    judy and Sandra like this.
  4. Sandra

    Sandra Well-Known Member

    I think your instincts are correct Mikey, that this is the value the artist has placed on the piece herself. Taking into account the cost of materials, a nominal hourly figure for her labor and the cost of a frame, the artist would be hard pressed to recoup her investment.
    The book reference is probably the source of the pattern she used.
    In my area, items like this sell at auction in the $5.00 range, usually to someone who just wants the frame or a cheap and cheerful piece to decorate a nursery.
    judy and Bakersgma like this.
  5. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Given all the info on the back, I suspect the maker submitted this to a competition - county fair? There is no way this should sell for that much.
    Sandra likes this.
  6. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    Generally around here the completed 80s cross stitch pictures sell for less than the original kits would. No one pays for hand work any more, unless the design is original and spectacular. This is neither; my guess is 80s Bucilla.
  7. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Can't get more 1980s than that.

  8. silverthwaite II

    silverthwaite II Well-Known Member

    (Quilts and deer are hung; Big Bad Bill gets hanged.)

    MY children's nursery had mostly Jesse Wilcox Smith and Joshua Reynolds; but mine and my mother's had really charming needlework done by my grandmother. A good-sized map if the US, showing the main products produced in each state, and, the "All creatures great and small," verse from the bible kept company with Master Hare and The Little Duchess.
    judy and Bakersgma like this.
  9. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    In the 60s 70s and 80s when I was flying everywhere I did petit point. I have astigmatism and was unable to read while flying but I could do close up work like petit point. I think I learned about close up work from Rosie Grier the football great.
    judy likes this.
  10. silverthwaite II

    silverthwaite II Well-Known Member

    I have long wanted companion prints of Rosey Grier doing needlework, and Rosie the Riveter...
    Figtree3, Bakersgma and gregsglass like this.
  11. 916Bulldogs123

    916Bulldogs123 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the input on this. I am happy to know my original presumption was correct. Even if it sold for $5.00 I would double my investment.

    Sandra and judy like this.
  12. Mansons2005

    Mansons2005 Nasty by Nature, Curmudgeon by Choice

    But in this case, which I deem WORSE than Big Bad Bill, I personally think Hanged is appropriate......;);)

    sorry - I can't seem top stop scarfing down the brownies these days........
  13. Poisonivy

    Poisonivy Well-Known Member

    It's a modern cross stitch done a fabric called Aida with stranded Cotton.
    Probably done in the last few years and not worth a lot but someone might like it :)
    judy likes this.
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